Chapter Twenty

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Harry P.O.V

       "Could someone please explain to me what this was all about?" Niall asks confused after Arianna leaves. I wasn't in the mood to explain everything again, plus I kinda forgot our made up story so I just walked out of the room. I heard Niall say "whats the matter with Harry?"

        "Hey get back here." Louis' voice called from down the hall. I sighed and turned around. Louis was standing in the doorway to our room. He whispered something to Niall and Niall walked away down the hall.

       "Come on Harry," Louis asks a little more softly. I walked toward him and into our room again. Louis shuts the door and I sit down on the bed.

       "Ok Harry tell me what really happened." Louis says looking straight at me. I knew he would never fall for our story in a million years. I sigh again and look up at him.

      "Well, the night we got voted off, I just, I don't know, I was just in a mood I guess. I felt so angry and sad and confused, and....I really just wanted to see Arianna. I don't know why, I felt like she needed me, and at the moment, I really needed her." I paused to see Louis reaction. he was looking at me with a concerned look on his face.

        "So, how did you guys...end up all outside and everything?" he asked.

        "Well I was going to go find her. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I didn't care about anything else at the moment. I was walking out of the building, and I saw a security guard, so I started running the other way, and I ran straight into Arianna."

         "Why was Arianna here?" Louis asked. 

         "I don't know Louis, maybe for the same reason" I said. Louis just stared at the ground for a moment, I don't think he knew what to say. I wouldn't either.

          "Alright Harry, its ok, no harm done." Louis says. I smile at him.  Suddenly my smile faded when I remembered something.

         "Oh no no no no.."

       "What what?" Louis says worried.

        "We only have one more day left in the X Factor house, we have to pack up and leave tomarrow." I say.

         "Well ya Harry, I know its sad, but...I mean.."

         "No Louis, that means Ill have to go back to Cheshire, and I'll never see Arianna again." I say sadly. Louis acts like hes going to say something, then stops.

          "What Louis what?" I ask annoyed.

          "Harry, there is one way..." 

          "What do you mean one way? One way to what?" I snap back.

        "Harry, can you act?" Louis asks.

       "Can I what? Act? What does that have to do with anything?" 

        "Arianna was telling me awhile back, about a new romance movie shes going to be starring in, and they start casting the male lead tomarrow." Louis says with a grin.

       "You don't mean..."

         "I do."

       "Louis theres no way, I can't act to save my life!" I say

      "Have you ever tried?" He asks.

        "Well, no, not exactly. But I don't know how these casting things work, I mean I have to know my character too." I say uncertain.

       "Harry, you should at least try." Louis says. "Type in Arianna Arlington into Google, and see if anything comes up about her new movie, she said its a pretty big deal." I get out my phone and Google her, and just like Louis said, all these news stories come up about Arianna and her new romance film.

      "Well you see anything about the casting?" Louis asks.

       "Hold on..."

       "Well?" Louis asks again.

      " says the casting for the lead male role has got everyone frantic. People are coming from all over to try and claim the role of Jacob Walker, Arianna's lover in the movie," I read.

         "Go on." Louis says

        "Critics say that this movie will be a great success and the man that plays Jacob Walker, should become a star overight." I look up at Louis. "Theres no way I'm going to get this part."

           "Harry come on, its the only way." Louis pleads. I get up and look in the mirror. I try to imagine myself as an actor, its not wokring.

             "Louis.....I don't know about this.." I say.

          "Hey, I'll text Eleanor and ask her where the casting will take place, I'll say Iv'e got a friend that wants to try for the part, she'll tell me. Then all you got to do is practice a little and show up!" Louis says smiling.

            "Louis....what if Arianna doesn't want me to be the lead role, I mean, what if shes looking for some movie star body builder guy?"

            "Well maybe for the role they want someone who doesn't look like a movie star...I mean, I think she said something about Jacob Walker being a poor guy that lives under a bridge." Louis says.

               "Okay....but even if I show up, I don't know what I'm supposed to do." I say.

              "You'll just have to do a monologue or something." Louis answers.

             "But I don't know the character at all! How I'm I supposed to do this Louis?"

           "I'm sure Arianna knows all about it, and she probably told Eleanor, so I can ask her!" Louis says confidently.

             "Alright Louis, I'll do it, but Its probably not gonna happen, but I'll try." I say.

             "Good then. Now, time for some acting lessons." Louis says grinning.

           "Some what? No Louis." I say.

            "If you want to do this, you should at least put some effort into it and practice." Louis says, still grinning. 

           "OK, what do you want me to do?" I sigh. 

              "Hmmm...ok, your cat just died, now cry like you mean it." Louis demands.

          "I can't just cry and make it look convincing." I say.

         "Thats what an actor is supposed to do! Now cry!" Louis demands again. I stare at him, then try my best to cry. Louis starts to laugh.

          "Hey! At least I tried!" I say with my arms crossed. "You try, its not as easy as it looks."

         "Ok, I will." Louis says confidently. He flings himself around the room, rolling on the floor sobbing. I mean it did look pretty convincing, in a really stupid way.

            "Now thats how you do it!" Louis says getting up and brushing himself off dramticly. Alright now laugh!" Louis demands again. I give him a look, and then burst out laughing. But i was actaully laughing, so it was pretty easy. I think Louis thought I was acting, so he clapped loudly for me when I calmed down. I just hoped the casting judges will love my acting as much as Louis did.

Ok so what do you think about Harry trying for the lead role in the movie? Do you think he will make it? What do you think Arianna will think? And what about Jason? Harry better be careful...

<3 1Dforever23

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