Chapter Fifty Four

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Arianna POV

I layed there on the bed for a second just staring at Harry. He looked shocked and had this smirky grin on his face, and his hair was all over the place. He looked perfectly adorable to be honest. But suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket, and the smile on my face soon vanished, becasue I remembered the world and all its problems again.

"Whats the matter?" Harry asks me, the smirk on his face turning into a frown. I get up from the bed and look at my phone. It was Eleanor: Arianna...please get your butt over to my flat, i need to tell you this <3Eleanor. I put my phone in my pocket and turned to Harry. How was I supposed to tell him he needed to leave my flat so I could go gossip about him with Eleanor?

"Harry, Im really sorry, I have to go...Eleanor's having some...problems." I say, not looking him in the eye. I can usually lie to anybody without feeling shame, but lying to Harry.....felt so wrong, I couldnt look at him.

"Is she ok?" He asks, getting up from the bed and walking closer to me..

"Ya, nothing like that, shes perfectly fine, its just that..uhh.." Harry cuts me off.

"Ari, take a deep breath." He says, pushing my hair back out of my face. I looked at him confused. "You are so high-strung and stressed out, and your gonna make yourself sick worrying about everything so much." He says in a very low, calming voice. I did take a deep breath, and looked up at him. He nods his head at me. "You okay? For real?" He asks. I look away, I wasnt ok. I just embrassed myself in front of everyone on Live TV, I have a movie to film in a couple days that im not ready for, I have Zayn Malik, who I dont even know about, and now Im lying to my boyfriend becasue my friend made Louis spill his secrets, im not ok.

"Ya, im fine." I say. Way to lie again.

"Alright good, are you sure you dont want me to take you to where ever your going?" He asks.

"Oh crap....I left my car at the Talk Show Studio." I say, sighing heavily.

"Ill drive you in my car to where you need to go, and then later me and Louis will go get your car and bring it back to your apartment, promise." He says. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.

"Thank you Harry." I say, wanting to cry again. I really needed to get my sleep. This is what happens when I dont. I was so cold and he was so warm. I wanted to stay in that hug forever, but I pulled away, and Harry smiled at me.

"Im not going anywhere, dont worry." He says, grabbing my hand as we walked out the door. I wasnt even dressed to go out, but I didnt care.

"Where are you going anyway?" He asks when we get in the car.

"Oh, sorry, Eleanors flat." I say, closing the door.

"Okay." He says, and he starts to drive. The car ride was silent. I just stared out the window, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Harrys glancing at me. I was worrying him and I could tell. I felt really bad, but I didnt know what else to do. I felt so gulity and he looked so innocent. Why do I always feel like the bad guy? I got another text from Eleanor, but I didnt look at it becasue we just pulled up to her flat.

"Thanks Harry." I say, opening up the door quickly, and getting out of the car. "And dont worry about picking me up, Ill just stay at Eleanors, you go home."

"You sure?" He asks, rolling down the window.

"Yes, bye Harry." I say, then turn on my heels and run up to Eleanors room. If I looked at him any longer, I think I would cry again. I didnt want to leave him....was I getting too attached to him? I was starting to fear that, I had never in all my relationships, felt so attached to someone. Jason didnt even compare. I banged on Eleanors door, and she opened it up in 2 seconds. Her face was all worried. She was scaring me.

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