Chapter Fifty Two

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Arianna POV

I could feel my whole body shaking from anger and sadness. I didnt know what to believe anymore. I kept telling myself that everything the interviewer is saying isnt true, but what if Im wrong? I took a quivering breath in and tried to stop crying. Your embrassing yourself in front of all these people I thought. I looked from the interviewer to the crowd to cameras to my hands. Everyone was waiting for me to say more, but I didnt know what to say.

"Do you want me to read it again for it to soak in?" The man says. I stare at him blankly. Was he kidding? Or purely stupid? He seemed too stupid, too mean...too pushy. Something was going on here, and i knew it.

"We dont have all day for you to talk Ms Arlington, this is called a "talk" show you know." He says again.

"What do you want me to say sir?" I say between clenched teeth. He just gives a little grin.

"How about I read what your lovely boyfriend said again?" He says. Ok that was it. This was a set up. It had to be. No interviewer ever goes this far. I mean the annoying ones like to make you uncomfortable...but this man is tearing my life apart. I wanted to leave, I needed to leave.

"No respone again from you huh Arianna? I guess thats a go then." He says, showing the quote again on the screen behind me. I didnt turn around. I tried not to listen. I know Harry didnt say that...he couldnt have...

"Quote from Harry Styles.....Shes pretty, but I dont really want to be in her movie. My career is about singing, not about acting. Shes a great person, but I dont think I have time for her in my life right now." The man says, finishing with a louder voice. The words were hurtful, they stung like needles and if they were true.....I dont think I could ever trust anyone again, not even myself. I felt the tears again, starting to stream down my face. I didnt want to speak, i couldnt.

"HEY MISTER!!! WHY DONT YOU SHUT YOUR BIG MOUTH AND STOP TELLING HER LIES!!!!" Someone suddenly yelled from the audience. I turned my head and saw Eleanor standing up in the back with a hand on her hip. The whole crowd exploded in claps for Eleanor, and I couldnt help but smile. At least I knew everyone else was rooting for me. The man stood up and tried to quiet the audience down, which only resulted in loud "Boos." Thanks Elenaor, I thought. But the thought in the back of my mind that what Harry said could even have a chance of being true made me feel sick. What if it was? The lump in my throat was choking me and I wanted to burst into tears, but I was using everything I had to keep it in. The man was still trying to defend himself.

"Its not my fault! I didnt say that, Harry Styles did!"

"Harry Styles said what?" A low voice from behind me said. I jerked around in my chair and my jaw dropped to the ground. The crowd went insane with screams, shocked noises and yelling. Harry walked down the stairs to the stage, rolling up his sleves like he was about to beat someone up. There was a angery frown on his face. He was pissed. He fearlessy walked right up to the man. I just stared at him in utter shock. 

"If you ever lie to my girlfriend again, I will personally make sure you lose your job and file a law suit.   And dont think I wont. I make more money singing than you ever will in your life time anyway. Your pathetic, lets go Arianna." Harry then turns to me, still shaking and stunned, and picks me up. He swoops me right into the air like I was weightless, and walks off the stage. The crowd was screaming uncontollably and the man was sitting at his chair with his mouth open, unable to close it. Back stage, Harry puts me down gently and looks at me. There were still tears streaming down my cheeks and Harry looked at me like he was about to cry himself. I wanted to say something but I was still too stunned and confused to what just went on. Harry just wraps his warm arms around me and pulls me close to him. I grasped his thin T shirt with my hands and hung on tight.

"What are you two kids doing back here? Theres an interview going on out there and....."A woman started to say, but once I turned around and she saw my face she shut up.

"Arianna Arlington? But your supposed to be..." The woman says confused

"Not anymore, we were just leaving. Lets go." Harry says grabbing my sweaty hand in his. The woman stares stupidly after us as we walk into the elevator and down to the lobby. A crowd followed us, snapping pictures and shoving microphones in our faces.

"Where are you going?"

"Harry Styles what are you doing here?"

"Is it true that you said that Harry?" They all asked similar questions, but we ignored all of them. We got out into the parking lot and Harry opened the door for me to his car. I didnt care about my car, I just wanted to leave. The growing crowd followed us as we tried to drive away, but finally we made it out into the road, and Harry slammed on the breaks and we screeched around the corner. I looked over at him.

"Harry?" I ask.

"Yes babe?"

"How did you...." He cut me off.

"Dont worry about it. I wasnt going to let that interview go on. That man was lying to you and hurting you, and everything he said wasnt true." Harry says, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look at me.

" of wasnt real right?" I ask, my eyes fixed on him. Harry shook his head.

"I knew that picture of you and Jason was taken before we were dating, and that video was from the X had nothing to do with you." He says. I make a sigh of relief. I was glad the video wasnt real. I would have felt so bad.

"And you know I never said that." He continues. 

"You mean...the whole quote thing." I say, knowing exactly what he ment.

"Yes. Arianna that would never be true. I dont care if Im a singer or your an acteress. It doesnt matter to me. As long as I can be with you, Im happy." he says, looking over and winking at me becasue he knew it sounded cheesy. I giggled.

"Thanks Harry, thanks for....freaking everything! I dont know anyone who would have driven to a talk show studio, and actually picked me up in front of millions of people and carried me off stage. You're brave Harry." I say. He shrugs.

"Your welcome." he says casually. I grin at him.

"Oh and Niall and Zayn never said those things, they were all lies. Trust me, I know both of them, and they would never say that about you." He says. I make another say of relief. Thank god the one about Zayn wasnt true. I dont think Id be ever be able to look at him again.

"Arianna, you may not know it, but all the boys actually care alot about you and Eleanor. I dont know if they show it me. They all were watching your interview, and you should have seen their faces when they saw you crying." He says. I looked at him, that was out of the blue.

"You were all watching it?" i ask.

"Of course we were." He says smiling.

"And Zayn would never say something like that about any girl, let alone you." He continues. I look down at my hands. Is Harry....defending Zayn? I was so confused. But i had gotten to the point where theres so much rattling around in my head, that my mind just went blank. I stared ahead out the dashbored. I felt...oddly calm. There was something about Harry that just, made you feel calm. He always looked like he had everything together, and like he knew what he was doing. I wonder if he ever doubted himself.....sometimes I felt like I doubted myself too much lately...which is odd for me. I used to be so confident in everything I did...why am I losing that?

"My flat or yours." Harry asks suddenly. I wanted to go home, but I didnt want harry to go away.

"Mine if you'll stay with me." I say. Harry looks me and grins. Im sure he was hoping I'd say that.

OK everyone so what do you think about that? Can you believe he actually went on stage and picked Arianna up? Well im just glad he didnt say that.Ok so we still have this whole thing with Zayn though. Do you think Eleanor will be able to figure what happened between Harry and Zayn on the X Factor? Hmm and hey....the filming is starting soon, wasnt harry supposed to see Mr. Gilson for acting lessons? Yes, yes he was. and No, I didnt forget. Lets just say.....thats a whole other story to why that didnt happen...maybe your about to be in for a shock. Hmmm or maybe not. Ok im done being mysterious bye!


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