Chapter 124

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Time will dilute one's memory, and no way to get rid of a person's grief.

For a long time, she hasn't thought about the past. In a trance, she thought she could no longer remember it anymore. But as long as Bai Zihua appeared in front of her eyes, she felt as if someone is constantly tearing her a hole in her heart with a blunt knife. Although there will be no more pain when a person die, she still feels that her chest is heavy, and the sorrow overflows like sea water, drowning her time again and again.

Sitting on the bed with a glamorous and flirtatious smile on her face. She slowly reaching out to Bai Zihua.

Before, she thought her face was like a frozen stone. No matter how she tried to scrape through, there was still nothing but blank. But after Bai Zihua's arrival, there will always an inexplicable thing showed up in front of her, with very strange expressions. Then she understood, it was not her face, nor her body. She is like a broken butterfly, closed herself in a sealed transparent container called the Demon God. Quietly enjoying the loneliness until she suffocates to death.

However, when she saw Bai Zihua, she could not help flapping her wings and wanted to come out. Being hit again and again, covered with flesh and blood. It's not easy to gain the reaction, but it looks like she has already come to a dead end, no way out. So she began to want to put Bai Zihua in a container together with her.

Watching Hua Qiangu stretched out her hands, Bai Zihua did not respond. He just turned himself sideways and quietly lays down on the bed fully clothed. The room was still as large and empty as before. His heart has already used to this coldness, but his body is not. Most parts of his body is freezing and a little numb.

Hua Qiangu lowered her head to look at him. She never thought that there would be a day when he would lying beside herself. His posture is still elegant and calm. His eyes are closed and expression is peaceful and relaxed. It's like he has been sleeping for a long time and can't not bear to wake him up, let alone violate him.

Flicked her finger and the light went out. Instantly atmosphere sinking into silence. The feeling of being wrapped in darkness is solid and empty, like there were countless hands entangling and capturing her limbs, pulling left and right.


Bai Zihua did not answer, as if he was already asleep.

She transformed a quilt and gently covered him. Her hands finally could not help it, covered his cheeks in the darkness.

She actually likes his pale and fragile, at least she can be near and touchable. She can take care of him and protect him as she has always wanted to, tot just looking from afar.

Feeling the cool smooth fingers brushing on his face, Bai Zihua frowned slightly. Then he heard a quiet sigh, like a kite floating in the air, suddenly broke.

The person lays down next to him and one of her hands gently hugged across his chest. A faint fragrance in the air, Bai Zihua knew she's in a good mood right now. If she's angry, the flower fragrance will become rich and unpredictable.

Feeling that the soft body was slightly came closer to his side, and leaning against his arm. In the past, he always stuck to this flat body, but now it has become somewhat bumpy, making face immediately burned red. There are some happy images hidden in the dark side of his heart. He did not feel the shame of being humiliated, let alone the desire. Hua Qiangu in his eyes is the same as before just a spoiled child. Even if she's in a bad temper, she will never hurt him.

But after all, they are still teacher and disciple, they should not lie on the same bed, not in conformity with etiquette. He was embarrassed by self-reproach.

Suddenly she felt a hand on his chest slowly moved up, and untied his clothes. He was shocked, and held that misbehave little hand and whispered: "Xiao Gu!"

"Didn't you pretend to fall asleep? Continue." There was a little teasing in her voice. Her other hand climbed up again, but was held firmly by him again.

Hua Qiangu are not moving, and rested her chin on his shoulder, let her hands be in his palms. When he was still an immortal, his body was cold all over the place. And now he has become a mortal, it turned very warm and her body has become cold instead.

It seemingly inappropriate, Bai Zihua unnaturally loosen, that hand immediately broke free and unties his collar, opened the front part of his robe. He felt the cold air poured into his chest. Not waiting for Bai Zihua's reaction, the person next to him has flipped over gently and lean on top of him.

The fragrance scent in the air became stronger, very blurred and intoxicating.

"If not undressed, how are you going to sleep?"

Listening to those careless and casual laughing words, Bai Zihua did not get angry, he just feel somewhat helpless. The slight hoarseness of the voice and the undisguised longing desire, made him a little flustered.

The docile body of Hua Qiangu lowered down, with her side face lays on his chest like a small animal. Looking up at his flawless chin, the cold breath became a little hot. Bai Zihua only felt wet and itchy between the neck, but there's nowhere to hide.

She used to be small, even now she is grown up, she is still small. When she is pressing on his body, it felt as if weightless.

Hua Qiangu can feel the boiling desire in your body, fidgety wriggled gently over him. The tip of her nose was rubbing between his hair. Pulling his collar open and buried her head in his neck. Incontrolable, she took a deep breath, then opened her mouth and bit it down.

Familiar feeling of being pierced by the teeth, making Bai Zihua trembled a little, and then quickly returned to his calmness. Let her suck his blood, without any struggle or discontent. He knew this was what he owes to her, so the blood debt is paid.

All was quiet and still, only heart Hua Qiangu sucking and swallowing sounds. The sounds was quite obscene. The pleasure feeling of blood loss is floating in the air, numb, weak, and also blank. Hua Qiangu held him so tightly as if she wanted to integrate his blood into her body. At first, it started with a red rain and gradually fade away. The powder was sprinkles everywhere, it was the peach blossom from Immortal Jade Pool that year.

Is there extreme happiness in the world? If so, this is the moment.

She felt Bai Zihua's blood flowed into her body, as if herself is alive again. All the pain she had never existed.

Her consciousness is still clear, knowing to care for his body, reluctantly raise her head. Licking on her small mouth, seemed as if it is aftertaste, but also unsatisfied.

Bai Zihua relaxed exhaled a long breath. But the next moment he stated to feel tense again because Hua Qiang was not willing to waste any drop licking on his neck.

This kind of posture is too ambiguous and lingering. Feeling uneasy he turned his head and tried to dodge but he was punished by Hua Qiangu's tiger's tooth. Her eyelashes are too long, and brushed everywhere she moves, the strange itchy feeling has gone all the way into his heart.

After a long time, the person on top of him finally stopped moving. He could hear her even breathing, it seemed to be that she is asleep. Bai Zihua lowered his head and looked at that big wide eyes which looked a little frightful in the dark. In her sleep, she always so easy to wake up from nightmares. Although she's been sleeping for so long, has she even had a real moment of peace?

Feeling distressed he reached out his hand to cover her eyes, and slowly closing it down. He wanted to put her aside, not letting her to sleep his body but he is afraid that he will wake her up. At the end he could only go along with her. The dizziness of blood loss, as well as the tiredness from mentally and physical exhaustion, made him fall asleep quickly.

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