The Journey of Flower - Chapter 025

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Tang Bao hopped on top of Hua Qian Gu's head and guided her down the mountain then into a forest. Suddenly, someone embraced Hua Qian Gu. Without looking, she knew it was Dong Fang Yu Qing. He said he really missed her, and she realized she missed him too.

"Papa!" Tang Bao shouted happily, extending its arms as if also wanting a hug from Dong Fang Yu Qing, he should not only pay attention to its mother and ignore it!

Dong Fang Yu Qing put out a hand to bring it to his face and gave it a kiss.

"Sweetie, have you been good and obeying your mom?"

"Of course!" Tang Bao clung onto his thumb and affectionately rubbed against it.

"Why are you here?" Hua Qian Gu looked up at him, still the same elegant face of a scholar, but a smile can turn the world upside down, causing other people to become lost in its gentleness. Huh, it was outrageous, she had grown much taller in six months, why was she still shorter than him?

Dong Fang Yu Qing looked down at her, she appeared better than when they met six months ago, the black aura around her had disappeared, her large round eyes glittered at him, her small lips pouting slightly. She dressed like a girl, her hair twisted into two cute buns on her head. He could not help but put out a hand, deliberately ruffling up her hair.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Why are you here late at night? What would a scholar like you do if there were trouble on the way here? Even if there aren't bandits, there are a lot of wild animals on the mountain, what would you do if you were injured?"

Dong Fang Yu Qing smiled, "Not just Mount Mao, to see you, I'm willing to cross dangerous mountains and fiery water."

Hua Qian Gu quickly lowered her head, she was annoyed by his smiles the most, his smiles hypnotized her, she could not help but believe his sweet ramblings.

"Don't joke around, I'm serious! It's dangerous for you to be here, demons have been active on Mount Mao, go back!"

Dong Fang Yu Qing appeared sad: "It's been six months, you don't miss me but keep telling me to go away."

Hua Qian Gu bowed her head and replied: "No, I'm very happy to see you."

Dong Fang Yu Qing smiled joyfully, his voice softened: "Tang Bao always stays in touch with me, it said the two of you have returned to Mount Mao, I finished everything as quickly as I could and came here. Fortunately, you've left Mount Chang Liu so I can see both of you, if not, visiting would be hard. Mount Mao is not as strict as Mount Chang Liu, and my identity is complicated. I wanted to see you sooner, the past six months studying at Mount Chang Liu must have been difficult for you. Tang Bao told me everything so I felt reassured letting you stay there. Whenever you want to leave, just tell Tang Bao, I'll come and get you, got it?"

"Don't worry, I'm very happy at Mount Chang Liu, it's not difficult at all. I've learned a lot, I can control a sword, fly high in the sky, even if I see wild animals or bandits I wouldn't be afraid. I can protect you!"

Dong Fang Yu Qing saw Hua Qian Gu unconsciously gripping the Emotionless sword, he was taken aback, his face froze, his eyes unreadable and fathomless, so deep Hua Qian Gu could not tell what he was thinking. Compare to Zun Shang, Yun Yin, jiejie, Ru Zun or Luo Shi Yi, he confused her the most.

How many faces did he have that she did not know? He can be gentle, he can be shameless, he can be old-fashioned, he can be clumsy, he can be wise, he can be sweet, he can be worldly...... in the end, which was the real him?

Although she did not know, she never felt uneasy. He can make others feel safe, his care and concern seemed genuine and warmed her, she could not help but simply trust him, no matter who he could be.

"Qian Gu, I know your heart is stubborn and determined, but I know which environment is the best for you. I hope I won't regret my decision to let you stay at Mount Chang Liu."

Hua Qian Gu did not understand what he was saying, nodding in confusion.

Dong Fang Yu Qing sighed, suddenly reverting back to his old self, smiled and said: "When you've succeeded in your studies, we must marry immediately! Haha!"

"Do marry, do marry!" Tang Bao rolled happily in Dong Fang Yu Qing's hand.

Hua Qian Gu was used to this, ignored his shamelessness, looked up at the sky and worried: "I don't know if I'll get my wish, that I can become Zun Shang's disciple?" She knew this demand on herself was too much, but if she did not try she would never know.

"You must be tired from walking all night, right? Tang Bao didn't tell you I'm staying at Mount Mao for two more weeks, you didn't have to rush here."

"I wanted to see you as soon as possible!" Dong Fang Yu Qing sat down against a tree, his arms wrapped around Hua Qian Gu.

Hua Qian Gu leaned against his chest, yawned, she was really tired.

"How can you and Tang Bao stay in touch with each other? I've never seen it write anything."

"Haha, it's a secret." Dong Fang Yu Qing and Tang Bao looked at each other.

In the dark forest, Hua Qian Gu slowly fell asleep in Dong Fang Yu Qing's embrace, Tang Bao also fell asleep in his hand.

Dong Fang Yu Qing raised his other hand, a thin white silk appeared in the empty hand, he used it to cover Hua Qian Gu. Looking at her and Tang Bao sleeping in innocence, he smiled slightly, can this feeling be happiness?

The next morning, Hua Qian Gu and Tang Bao said good-bye to Dong Fang Yu Qing. Before leaving, he told Tang Bao to help him take care of its mother. He repeatedly told Hua Qian Gu to take care of herself, that she must eat well, sleep well, etc. A long time passed before he agreed to leave reluctantly. She was sad as she watched him walk away while Tang Bao crawled into her ear and cried.

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