The Journey of Flower - Chapter 011

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"Ah! Tang Bao, I discovered a serious problem!" Hua Qian Gu suddenly looked at the petal in her hand. She was so agitated that she nearly cried.

"Ah, what is it?" Tang Bao climbed into a peach blossom and began drinking the nectar. It fragrance and sweetness was intoxicating.

"I can touch flowers now! I can touch flowers!! It didn't wilt! It didn't wilt at all!" Hua Qian Gu suddenly realised. Her two legs trembled as she grabbed on to the flower petal that was now bigger than her. She agitatedly rubbed her her face on the soft peach blossom petal which was as smooth and beautiful as silk. Hua Qian Gu gave an excitedly rolled on the petal and wrapped herself in it. It was so fragrant and so comfortable.
"You couldn't touch flowers in the past?"

"Of course. Why else am I called Hua Qian Gu (Hua= Flower, Qian Gu= Thousand Bones) ,Since I was born, I am a jinx to flowers. There has never been a flower that was unscathed in my my hands. Why can I touch flowers now? Why?"

"I think this had probably something to do with the Heaven's Droplet or due to the Gou Jade (Tear Shaped Jade), especially the jade. Even though it looks ordinary, its powers are actually many times greater than the Heaven's Droplet. It has completely masked the scent from your body that attracts demons, ghosts and spirits."

"Ah?No wonder since I parted with Lang Ge Ge, there hasn't been any ghost harassing me.!" Hua Qian Gu happily climbed from one flower to another.

The number of immortals in the forest slowly increased. Tang Bao was practically salivating as she looked at the tables that were brimming with jade brew, immortal fruit and other delicacies.

"Say, if I jump down from here onto the peach on the table, will I be discovered?"
"Not only will you be discovered, you may even be eaten by the immortals." Hua Qian Gu laughed. "How many immortals are coming? Why are there so many seats being set up?"

"There are many immortals in this world. However, there are not many who can attend the feast. Those who are powerful are almost all gathered here. Besides the leaders of the various immortal sects, some famous immortals who don't belong to any sect are also invited by the Queen Mother who governs Kun Lun now. There should be a total of around 400-500 immortals attending."

In a moment, the music began to sound and the immortals began to stream into their seats.

There were immortals of every kind: Unearthly ones, breathtaking beauties, priestly ones, imposing ones, fearsome ones. Hua Qian Gu was momentarily dazed by how many different immortals there were. Other than the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother who was seated at the highest seats, she did not know any of the other immortals.

Tang Bao introduced them to her one by one.

"Those seated there are the Three Immortals of Peng Lai and the Gods of Fortune, Prosperity and Longevity. The one in red with a goatee who is lavisciously looking at the female immortals is the God of Wealth. The one sitting beside him drowning himself in drinks is the God of Fortune. The one with the white beard and hair, with a small boy seated beside him is the God of longevity.

"The ones seated over there are the respective leaders of the Mt Lao sect, Mt Tian sect and Mt Wang Wu sect. Its such a pity that Priest Qing Xu of Mt Mao is no longer around......"

"Which one is the leader of the Mt Lao?" Hua Qian Gu stretched out her neck and looked for him as she suddenly remembered that she had to convey the message to Lin Sui Yi's shifu on his behalf.

"There, under that tree, the one with white hair who is sitting quietly with his eyes tightly closed . Do you see him?"

"Oh, I see him!"

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