The Journey of Flower Chapter 83

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The savage wilderness had no moon or stars, no telling if it was day or night. It was independent from the 6 realms. The west side was a desert, south was a marsh, the north was the arctic, and the middle was a foggy forest. All realm's prisoners and dead souls were banished here. No spells or magical instruments can be used here. All the prisoners used the most primitive way to survive.

It isn't easy to enter the savage wilderness. Not a lot of people knew how or where the entrance was. Escaping the savage wilderness was absolutely impossible. Even the most powerful immortal cannot escape if exiled here.

Her surroundings were dark; she can feel a faint light from her left eye.

She isn't blind, she just couldn't see. Hua Qian Gu tried to console herself.

Her feet were tied up, and she was being dragged by someone like a dead prey. Her back bloodied from the friction on the ground, and her head constantly bumped into rocks. She can still feel pain, which means she wasn't dead. She cannot die.

She clenched her teeth together to stay conscious, but her head knocked into a boulder and she fainted.

She woke up in pain, couldn't see anything, but she could hear laughter. A group of people continuously kicked and stomped on her, a foot stepped on her hand.

How long has she been in the savage wilderness?

A month? A year? Or has it been a hundred years?

She didn't remember how long she's been in the dark; all she can do is live day by day. She hadn't healed from her wounds and now she's been captured by demons and fallen immortals. This time, the odds must be against her.

"Where did you find this? Is it ... a human?" she heard a woman's voice, obviously scared of her scarred face.

"I was hunting for rabbits, didn't think I would have such a big catch." a rough masculine voice said.

"Is it a man or a woman?" another man said.

A big hand stretched out and ripped her clothes off. She couldn't resist. All she could do was grit her teeth and endure the humiliation.

"It's a woman." an excited voice said. "Old rules? Share after she is roasted?"

"Too bad it's just a thin and frail girl, just skin and bones. Messing with her will put me in a bad mood and eating her will give me no appetite." Ptui! This person spat saliva on her.

Another kick and she rolled over.

"Is she dead or alive? Why doesn't she make any noise?"

"Looks like a mute."

"Never seen her around here before, probably hasn't been here long. She's so young, I wonder what crime she committed. Is she an immortal or demon?"

"Looks like an immortal, her nerves are all broken and her body is covered with scars from Xiao Hun nails, she's also blind and mute."

"Xiao Hun nails? Huan Xiang, you're talking about the Xiao Hun nails from Chang Liu? This kid is exiled from Chang Liu?" The girl knelt down to take a closer look.

"That's my guess. Search her body and see if you can find anything."

They searched her and found her Gong Ling (Bell) gripped tightly in her hand.

When they tried to take her Gong Ling, she finally showed some resistance but in the end, they still grabbed it from her.

"Gong Ling? What crime did a little disciple from Chang Liu commit to be sent here? It's too bad she's mute or else asking her what's happening outside would be nice."

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