Chapter 68

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I find this chapter particularly action-packed. Its also one of my favourite chapters because it shows how even though Hua Qian Gu is desperate to save BZH she is not willing to let go of who she is – she spares Wen Feng Yu. Wen Feng Yu also shows that immortals are not spared from the entanglements of the heart and many immortals have their own set of regrets and people they have loved and lost. Well. Enjoy =)

Hua Qian Gu carefully placed Bai Zi Hua on the pallet and covered him with a blanket. Every since, he was poisoned, he has never seen his so ungaurded. He was sleeping peacefully. He had fallen form the cloud high above because of her. She did not want to see his so weak and fragile. her heart ached as she tidied his hair. She would do anything she could for him. As long as he was well. As long as he remained the Bai ZI Hua who set on top of the six realms.

"Shi Fu, wait for Xiao Gu, I will definitely get the Nu Wa stone back." She kneeled in front of his bed and kowtowed before flying out of Chang Liu on a sword with Tang Bao.

Shuo Feng was waiting for her. If one did not know, you would think they were eloping. However, they might as well be said to be venturing into death.

On their joinery neither of them said anything. Hua Qian Gu looked back at the beautiful Chang Liu Mountain that sat between the sea and the sky, feeling her heart ache. Chang Liu Mountain was still the same as when she came. Only she could not return.

Hua Qian Gu took out the Kun Lun mirror once they reached a remote area in the distance. Tian Shan, Chang Bai Mountain and Chang Liu Mountain were bit far and given her speed on the sword, she would take very long to gather the instruments. Moreover given her Shi Fu's powers, he would at most sleep for three days only. However in three days, the news of the instruments being lost would turn the immortal relax upside down. Hence she chose to use the Kun Lun Mirror.

Hua Qian Gu followed the instrcutions on the restricted books and started removing the seal on the instruments. In that instance the entire sky darkened and ferocious winds howled. Lightning began flashing and thunder rumbling. This was the reason they chose somewhere so far from Chang Liu to break the seal. Hua Qian Gu put her two hands together in a handsigh and chanted the spell.

The Kun Lun Mirror started spinning and the dark surface of the mirror started glowing. After four hours, the seal was finally broken. She then broke the seal on the Cui Lei Bell. By the time she was done, the sky was already dark.
"Ok, we can set off now." Hua Qian Gu reached out to take Tang Bao over from Shuo Feng.

However he refused stating that if he handed Tang Bao over, she would disappear with it. She then promised not to act without him.

She held on to his sleeve and in an instant both of them vanished.

Her body felt slightly like it was being ripped apart and her brain whited out. But she quickly returned to normal. They were surrounded by complete darkness.

"Where is this?"

"Shhh....." Hua Qian Gu darted through the cave quickly. There wasn't any light around them. But both of them had reached the level of Zhi Wei (awareness level of immortal cultivation), so they could see clearly.All around them was the sound of dripping water and oddly shaped limestones. They took many turns before finally walking out. Hua Qian Gu seemed very familiar with the terrain.
"Don't use any spells." Hua Qian Gu instructed softly. They walked out of the cave and crossed a suspension bridge that hung between the two peaks on the tip of their toes.

"This is Chang Bai Mountain. In front is the Tai Huang Peak. Sect Leader Wen is currently in seclusion. It will be easier for us."

"You have come here before?"

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