The Journey of Flower Chapter 84

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Snorting Beast looked at Hua Qian Gu's motionless body on the ground and became anxious. Its nose let out a snort. It circled her body, trying to think of a solution.

Hua Qian Gu's old injuries hadn't healed yet and she was getting new ones. With all the bumping and stumbling, bruises and open cuts, her body's self healing ability couldn't keep up with her anymore.

Snorting Beast hesitated for a moment and lowered down to lick her wounds. Its saliva had the ability to heal her wounds. But it didn't have confidence in itself; the smell of her blood can cause it to lose control. It was afraid one of these days it wouldn't be able to control itself and devour her and change from a demon beast to a holy beast.

After thinking for half a day, it held her in its mouth, took a few steps toward the forest, but suddenly stopped, hesitated for a while, it returned to the front of the cabin and pushed the door open.

The man didn't lift his head and continued to drink the tea on the table. Even though he was in the savage wilderness, his refinement had yet been stripped. He was dressed in a blue robe that had faded over time. His hair was loose but wasn't messy. Face, neck, hand, and anywhere else where his skin was exposed, had a layer of thin blue scars, even though his scars weren't as severe as the ones on Hua Qian Gu's face, they were really fearsome. But the thing that made Snorting Beast most uncomfortable was that his forehead let out an evil presence.

Snorting Beast roared loudly at him, hot air blew his hair and robe around, but he still didn't lift his head.

As if threatened, it lifted its paw and slashed the table in front of him to pieces. The man nonchalantly caught his iron tea cup." humph...this is how you treat a person that you need help from?"

Snorting Beast didn't care; it grabbed him out of the cabin and placed him on the ground.

The man looked at it, his brows furrowed, he pulled out a dagger from his waist. They fought for a long time and finally, Snorting Beast took two steps back.

The dagger was an ancient holy instrument, soaked in many holy beasts' blood, it didn't know where he found it, no wonder he could live in the forest by himself.

The man got up from the ground, turned around to repair his door; he didn't even look at the feeble Hua Qian Gu and walked back inside.

Snorting Beast found some herbs nearby, chewed on it and placed it on Hua Qian Gu's wounds, but its abilities were limited. The man seemed capable, if he was willing to help, Hua Qian Gu would definitely be able to get better.

Snorting Beast used its huge tail to make a furry soft bed for Hua Qian Gu, sat its bottom down in front of the cabin and refused to leave. It was hard for beasts and demons to come this close to the cabin, it was a wonder how they accidently found their way here.

The dignified Snorting Beast going as far as needing a human's help was demeaning, but in order to save Hua Qian Gu, it couldn't think so much. She was too weak to be moved anymore. It didn't matter if the man was good or bad, staying here was better than bringing Hua Qian Gu hiding every day, running from here to there, fighting with countless demons after her flesh.

So Snorting Beast made its own decision to stay outside the cabin.

Hua Qian Gu spent most of the time going in and out of consciousness. Even if she was awake, she couldn't move, see or speak, no difference than being dead. She never thought her situation now was painful. The most painful was when she was awake, thinking of the past, and when she was sleeping, dreaming of the past.

Teacher's smile, Teacher's hair, Teacher's fluttering robe; Teacher's words, Teacher's kiss, Teacher's hand that held the Duan Nian sword...

The past was like a burning flame, warming her and severely burning her. She was unable to explain and didn't have the ability to forget or the ability to escape.

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