The Journey of Flower - Chapter 033

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Hua Qian Gu made a swing under a peach tree. Reading books, eating grapes with the skin on, leisurely swinging back and forth. The peach blossoms at Mount Chang Liu bloomed all year long, giving off a light fragrance. She used to wait in vain, until realizing there would not be any peaches to eat.

The past six months were wonderful, she did not have to train hard anymore. Besides reading each day, she slept a lot, thus her internal energy had not increased, only her cooking skill improved, causing her small frame to become whiter and chubbier, also softer.

Hua Qian Gu studied a zither and flute arrangement in the music book, moaning in her heart, who knew music could be used to fight enemies, and the force could be quite destructive.

Only the person holding the book could hear and see the animation, Tang Bao continued to sleep on a peach blossom petal next to her, its small mouth mumbling once in a while. There were about ten peach fairies with dazzling pink wings, flapping their transparent wings up and down around Tang Bao, laughing softly. Seeing it sleeping soundly, they touched it from time to time. If 1,000 peach fairies talked at the same time, they could create hallucination. Tang Bao probably was having a sweet dream right now.

Suddenly, a faint tune came from a distance, shattering the fighting animation in the book into pieces.

Ah, were the peach fairies causing her to hallucinate?

She closed the book, the tune was real, not from the book, it came from outside the hall. Hua Qian Gu jumped off the swing in delight and ran outside, haha, it was Teacher.

"Gu Tou mama, where are you going?" Tang Bao was startled, it yawned and woke up, raised its head and yelled, looking silly.

Hua Qian Gu stopped to poke at its head, smiled and said: "Why yell, you're a worm, not a wolf."

Tang Bao puffed out its little chest: "I was absorbing the essences of the sun and moon, of heaven and earth, hahaha......"

Hua Qian Gu did not care about essences or not, she put it in her pocket, picked up her skirt and ran, the bells kept jingling.

Running out of the hall, it really was Teacher sitting on the protruding Lou Feng boulder, playing the zither under the moonlight for all of Mount Chang Liu below. The satin hair spread out on the ground like a lotus in bloom. A plain white robe, no waistband, whipping in the strong wind.

"Teacher! Teacher!"

Hua Qian Gu happily ran up behind him. Bai Zi Hua did not react, still calmly playing the zither, the tune was better than what she heard in the book, soothing and firm, wild and ever changing.

The zither sounded amazing, but she could not feel any emotions from Bai Zi Hua. Emotions were always critical in music, with zither being the most important of the four arts, its octaves could profoundly affect the soul, but Teacher's tune was without emotions, causing the listener to feel desolate.

Hua Qian Gu stood quietly behind Bai Zi Hua, listening to him impassively playing the zither, suddenly feeling forlorn. Teacher would always stand by himself above the clouds, protecting this mountain, this land, this world for thousands of years......

The tune ended, Bai Zi Hua said coolly: "It is fine to just have a basic knowledge of musical instruments, but you need to know how to play the zither. Have you read the music book?"

"Teacher, I've read and memorized it, but I don't know how to play the zither."

"Come here."

Hua Qian Gu sat down next to him in alarm, the wind seemed weaker than before, if the wind vigorously blew down the mountain's ledge, she could not sit down.

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