Chapter 33 - Out of The Woods

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"The rest of the world was black and white but we were in screaming colours ... " ~ out of the woods , Taylor Swift .

Jessica's pov

"No , Natasha ,I cannot" I said straightforward .

"Oh please! Please , please , please" she wined. "It'd be so fun to have a sister time , wouldn't it be?" She asked and jumped with excitement.

"Since when you wanted a sister time and look I'm unhappy so please , leave me alone" I whispered .

"Forget that please , I'm sorry for what I did previously , I didn't mean to hurt you and I never knew about the contract" she said and with the last word , her tone got Harsh . She's jealous , but I'm not buying it cause I don't want this to happen .

"Come , first changes" she said and dragged me , what's gotten into her , she and so friendly with me...... Sometimes I think this behaviour is a key to darkness .


"Perfect!" She said and smiled at her work.

She said and clapped , I turned to the mirror and admired myself , for the fist time after the coronation I was looking like a perfect girl. You see I looked ... Beautiful .
God , the sleeveless formal dark blue shirt perfectly matched with my fair skin , the black fill mini skirt looked more beautiful than any time , I may say my legs got skinnier due to my lack of a balanced diet , they call . The heels were just wow , perfectly fitted in my feet and the earrings seemed to matched every part of me . My blonde hair was opened and straightened perfectly . The smoky eye makeup Nuts gave me , was breathtaking with my eyes. Even the nail paint on my finger nails looked amazing.

"Thank you" I said and she smiled , she herself wore a pink straight skirt which was a little longer than mine , she had a black long top on whose's sleeves were full to wrists but see thru , black heels matched with her hair in curls and pink and blackish eye makeup with a fluorescent lips shade while I preferred nude.

"Let's go!" She said and handed me a cream coloured hand bad which was small but designer with a silver chain which I pulled onto my right shoulder and the bag came to my waist , I looked nice .

Natasha looked at the long mirror once again and pursed her lips making a kissing sound to check her Lip shade and grabbed my hand.

We made through the Grand staircase and saw Harry talking with Niall and an attendant , anger boiled up inside me after seeing him , how can he be so normal after what he has done to me ? This is so wrong , of course he's a womaniser. It was true , it really was , I believe it now .

I ignored him and tried to walk straight to the door when he coughed and got Natasha's attention who pulled me to a stop . "Where are you girls going?" He asked and half smiled at seeing my outfit .

"To the Party which is hosted my Mr. Alan on account of his new factory of gold and diamonds , any problem " she asked and Harry made a sarcastic smile and went away .

"Come" she said and dragged me down to the main place road to our car.


"Well a big hello to My Queen" Mr. Alan said and bowed down in front of me , I just smiled and then we shook our hands while Natasha just looked around with nervousness taking up her face , I nudged her and raised my eyebrows in question , she just smiled and shrugged It off.

"Come , let's go meet other people" she said to me and then turned to Mr . Alan .

"Of course , of course , you can , make yourself at home " he said sweetly and went away .

My Dream || fantasy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora