Chapter 26 - Ready To Run

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"This time I'm ready to run escape from the city and follow the sun" ~ Ready to run , one direction .

Third person's pov
"I honestly believed in you , holding on a days track down stupid girl I should've known , I should've known . That I'm not a princess , this ain't a fairy tale ..." Jessica hummed whilst sitting on her dressing stool . As usual her nails were getting painted to a glimmering silver this time , her hair settled in a perfect bun . But then there was a knock at the door seeking her attention , she motioned for one of the maid to get the person .

She went there and brought a scroll in her hand . "Your highness , The Great Grand sent this for you " she whispered and bowed . Jessica nodded and some how managed to get it from her by pulling and pushing through the rods of the straightener and then nail painters' hands.

"Yes" she whispered and took the scroll.

She opened the antique hard paper with respect and with a sense of leaderships and maturity . The scroll had writing in a complete Vintage style , the G's and F's had perfect curves in their end , the B's and D's were worth admiring with their style and icon .

Jessica smiled and went through the notice :
My Dear Grand Daughters ,
As you know it's now time for the second test of your life , your sanity and adultness.
It's said - every Princess needs to be perfect in both nugatory and dominant levels .
We first start of our day with perfect spoons and knives use , followed by your back straightening and then we'll have a look at our Kingdom where you need to meet the rich classes of the society which are our best of mates with self confidence and attitude. This may seem easy but like I said you need to be Perfect and that all matters .
Love ,
Grandma .

She sighed and rolled the scroll again , rested it against her chest and thought.
Oh god help me , I really cannot take care of myself with rich classes , being at the functions is easy but being with a particular isn't , these rich classes give me hatred as I hold a lot of grudges against them . They remind me of the way some riches behaved with me , treated me , like I always got just Wrath from all . All the best Jessica .

*sighs* the kingdom , I was now in the car with a driver to drop me to the so called Rich class - Stewart Family , which are considered the richest in the Kingdom except the royalty of course .

The car came to a halt , the driver opened the door for me and I nodded .

Granny , Harry , Liam , Louis , Niall , Zayn , Father , Mother , Aunt Anne , Gemma were already present there and soon came another car which belonged to Natasha , she came out with flowing her gown's hem with her fore fingers and even the wind around made her already messed up open hair worse . Thank God I preferred for a perfect Bun .

Natasha was wearing a cream gown whose back was see-through though it looked beautiful on her and her gown was basically divided with a big silk belt with a big golden design while mine was whitish silvery with silver beads on the top and plain silk at the bottom .

Father nodded to all and I before going inside the big mansion's gate checked myself by twisting a little , moving my head from the top to my gown's bottom examined it carefully , I straightened it where it was necessary , touched my head's top once and then my bun at least twice to check that it didn't get lose , I checked my nail paint and then the different rings I wore . After my engagement I was forced to wear at least 5 rings like 5 in any fingers , including the engagement ring as well . The rings were pure diamond , some with bug Ruby stones or Emerald or Safire . (Pic on side)

"Are we done?" Harry asked and I blushed .

"Some one didn't even glanced at me" he said and I looked up at him , seeing his pouted lips made me Awww.

My Dream || fantasy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora