Chapter 41 - Ready To Run

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"This time I'm ready to run , escape from the city and follow the sun " ~ Ready to run , one direction

Today's the day , I dread for , the day which would change my life , my everything . I would be married to the person who hates me and who broke my heart , never the less I ain't so stupid .

Here I was sitting in a great room , a big mirror with lights adoring yellow lights around , I was getting my make over done , my legs on the stool opposite , nails being painted.

I smiled at mother , who came and kissed my forehead , and then settled the crown on my head
"You look one of a beauty" she whispered

"I know " I said and smirked to which she laughed .

"Yea , get ready fast then it's your chance" she said and walked out , I sighed with relief . I know what I'm going to do now , I will follow Ed's demand but my way.


"Ready" I said to myself and took deep breaths , In and out , in and out , yes... I blinked again and again and looked out to the open window , everything must go as a plan , as I decided .

Safire came and smiled , handed me my cloak . I nodded and wore it .

"Do you think , this is right?" She asked

"Yes , I would come back before they ask for me" I said and pulled up the hood .


"Please , I just need to complete what's mine , I have realised something which I should've long time back" I smiled and looked around .

"This way" she led me to the small hall , which was empty and to the door .

"Run your highness" she whispered and I nodded with a big smile on my face , pulling up my long wedding gown and covering myself with the black cloak and looking around for once , this is gonna be great Jesus .

I ran to the car and started this ignition , God this time please . Pressed the race and on the way to the church , I drove as fast as I could and looking around , my hands sweaty gripping the steering wheel hard and brows creased , I could just chew my precious nails at this point of time .

Pressing the breaks and the car giving a screech , I removed the cloak and threw it on the passenger seat , running out and in the church . There he stood , Ed with a proud smile on his face and the church's father . I stood by the door , my gown still pulled up with a great smile on my face and teary eyes , he looked at me and mouthed "I love you" such words which didn't take my breath away for good but worse .

I nodded and gulped , I had to , he loves me but I do not , I do but still don't , He's been my all but still not enough , he's given me everything but something's still left . I took a deep breath and shook my head . This was it .

I ran to him and stopped , he looked at me but then hugged me , okay so I hugged back . We rocked along and he hummed .

"My Queen , you think this is right? " the church's father said and coughed .

"You shut up , she's provided you with money , a whole lot of money so you need to obey Me" Ed said with gritted teeth .

"Ed!" I shouted .

"Father , we'd like some time alone" I said and he left .

"What?" Ed asked

"Ed , I'm sorry" I whispered , He came near .

"For what?" He whispered .

"I-I can't do this" I finished and turned around , not showing him my weakness.

"Pardon!" He asked , his voice raised .

"I cannot marry you anymore" I shouted and walked to the door .

"Wow , you're scared , you're going so easily , running away , The Queen , everybody the Queen is running" he shouted , his voice echoing , I closed my eyes and controlled my sob..

"Why" he shouted.

"Because you've changed , I didn't fall in love with an Evil Ed , but the one who helped others and you! Look at you! You cheat!" I shouted .

"Ahaan! I cheat? Yes I do because you're lovely , bloody Harry forced me!" He shouted back .

"No more Ed , don't say a word about him ! Do not! He is the one because of whom I really understood the word Love! The one , because of which I really fell in love " I said , keeping my calm .

"Wow! He has everything , that's why!" He said and rubbed his forehead .

I laughed coolly , "seriously! You think I'm doing this for money?" I asked .

"I'm sure!" He said

"If that's what you think , then let it be ! Yes I am , so what! But he can give me more love that you ever did , than you ever will" I said and he looked shocked .

"This is not gonna stop me from going back!" I shouted .

"Natasha is right , you are a filthy bitch" he shouted and silence fell around .

"Jessica" he said and came near , noticing my hurt .

"I never meant this" he said , I pushed him back .

"You did , you think I'm a filthy bitch " I repeated his words with disgust.

"You're just jealous , jealous of Harry , jealous of what all I have , jealous of , of everything! I wanted to come and sort out this matter , with understanding , but You! Are a bastard " I said and rubbed my tears .

"You know what? I love him" I said and he looked at me , shaking his head .

"You don't mean this , you don't! Say you don't" he shouted , grabbing my shoulders .

"Oh but I'm afraid , I do , I Love Harry" I said and smirked , but he took no time in talking it and hitting me hard on my cheek , no he did not.

I looked at him and held my face , "you love me!" He shouted and paced around on circles .

"This is not gonna change" I said with a whisper and turning , Running out .

"Jessica!" He shouted , coming after me , I rubbed my cheek and in the car , racing back to the castle .

This wasn't what I thought . I drive faster than ever and when I reached the castle , the crowd stood outside .

Worse , was the word I thought .

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