Chapter 4

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Amanda's pov

I ran , taking a ride back home . There was no point in going to the middle of nowhere right?  My dad came home , pulled out a suitcase , packed his clothes and said that he would return in another two days because he has to bring new tubes for the tire Shop he is opening with Eric's dad .

Taking the advantage of the occurred situation , I called up Eric , to spend some time with me because it had been a long time that we had met each other .

"I missed you..." He whispered making a shivery sensation all around. Eric was not a completely attractive guy , he was neither too tall nor too short , a light skin toned with a normal physic , brown headed and big eyes.

"I did too...." I said and he hugged me.

"So , you like this place?" He asked with curiosity in his voice .

"Nah...I loved it!" I replied in the coolest way as possible .

"Okay, so why don't we...uh....I mean why don't I give you a tour around?" He asked ,  sitting up straight .

"Wow, that'd be great but dad said not to talk to any-" I was cut by him.

"Oh come on, we , actually I don't give a damn about that dumbass , he has no right , you pay his bills and all that you get is this! " He shouted referring to the whip marks .

"Shhh" I said by placing my pointer finger on his lips and he kissed it making me blush.

"But he is my dad..." I whispered added in an emotional way to calm his senses .

"But, it hurts , hurts seeing you like this" He whispered back and pressed his dry lips in a straight line.

"Like what?" I asked , sitting straight like him this time.

" know the way he reacts , he beats the shit outta you.....he .....he ..uh...and you know I really do not like him" he whispered.

"Okay come on , change and  Alex won't be back in these two days as well" he said with a complete self confidence .

"Why do you think that?" I said getting up and heading to my closet.

"Since he is a drunkard and I know what he and my dad do together, you know check out girls and on and on...." He trailed of but I went to my washroom to change. Changing my clothes to some better one's and combing my hair , I made my way out and to his special place with him .

Cedric's pov

"Come Cedric it would be fun , please!!" Natasha said . Aunt Malinda , her mother wanted us to go out and spend some time with each other , since I treated her as my mother , I had to agree with her .

"Okay come " I said with defeat .

"Like this?" She confirmed and eyed my clothes .

"Yea-ah.." I said, looking at my white button up.

"Cedric , never like this!! " she said and dragged me to the Royal designer , pushing me inside the room , she went to his counter and asked for some new arrivals . Soon I was dragged to another closet to change my outfit . The designer came to me and adjusted my black shirt whose buttons were open half way to my chest . He settled my black trousers and passed me a box of shoes , my fedora was changed to black.

"Uh... no , something is missing , I don't feel right..." Natasha said

"What now?" I asked rather frustrated.

"Um...the..yeah , wait a minute...!" She said while clicking her fingers and then went to the closet I went before. She came out with a black and white designed scarf.

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