Chapter 2

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The melodious voices of the singers who were dressed in white gowns , the flutes , bagpipers , pianos echoed all around the kingdom . Every workhouse , home even the streets were decorated with lights and candles .

Amanda's pov

I stroked my head , to recheck my hair style and pulled on my zipper . I settled on my grey flats and rubbed by face once again taking a deep breath. "Agatha! Come on , the buggy is here" dad shouted and I ran down  stairs .

After about half an hour we reached the entrance of the castle. The door was huge , made of teak wood , designed with fluent art and carvings . Dad grabbed my hand ,  walking with him I admired the beauty and taking a look at a black headed talking to a blonde guy and both of them laughing . The blonde one glanced at me and I smiled which he gladly accepted .

"Keep your head down" Dad said in a stern voice .

"Why?" I asked .

"My lady , because they are the Crowned Prince" he said with gritted teeth . He pulled me with him to the Palace ground where the Meet was going to be held . We all were made to stand in perfect queues , hands straight and chins up and were especially given the instruction to bow down when the royalties would arrive. We heard the diktats with complete focus and attention .

King Al's pov

New day , new people , new voices , new works and most importantly new Labourers .
The day was again big , this day is always counted as the most salient of all .Today is the day when we hire new workers for our Kingdom's amelioration and the day when all the of old aged's are retired . Today is said to be the new beginning of the coming year , this day holds a great degree in our kingdom's life .

I was ready with my family , my wife and my daughter Natasha . This year even my best friend's son , Cedric from the Pandra kingdom ,along with his few friends was here . Our families are related to each other with fate . To the astrologers we are destined to be together and our kingdom's to be helpful to each other .

Tossing my silver sword aside , I confidently marched towards the royal seat . All the high ranking Knights began to beat their shields and breastplates loudly and the crowd bowed with respect and courtesy .

We all took our seats and I nodded to the crowd so they stood up straight again . I eyed almost every single one of them and asked for the Guards to pull out the people who weren't neatly dressed . I wanted discipline and law in my kingdom and that was what my Kingdom was famous for . After about some minutes , it was my time to address the gathering . I walked up to the podium and settled the mic.

"Gentlemen , It's been a thousand years , that this Kingdom was found , thousand years to the Royalty of the Valeskas' , thousand years for being the best of all , thousand years which isn't that easy . Gentlemen , today is the day of your new lives , new wealth , new family , new King and new rules which for me should be followed always . Mark that" I said and nodded and continued .

Cedric's pov

Everyone's eyes were on Uncle Al as he made his speech and was abiding by his promises , his new responsibilities and the rules of the kingdom which he was really strict for . He just wanted discipline and peace . I was standing by Natasha , who was Uncle Al's second Daughter she was hot, pretty but one thing which she excluded in was her behaviour , she was quite proud to be the Princess and the wealth she had .

Everyone knew the real her , Uncle Al never scolded her for anything because for him She was the only one left , the person who could take the throne , could be crowned as the Queen and he didn't want to lose his another daughter , that's why she had taut
security around her and was a pampered girl .

Agatha , her elder sister also Uncle's first Daughter , actually Lost Daughter isn't anywhere , she was kidnapped when she was five , nobody couldn't find her , the worst part is that according to the Myths and Quotes the elder daughter of Valeska' Kingdom has to marry the son of Pandra' kingdom , so we both were engaged at the age of three and it was said that we both were made to be together.

Though I didn't know her , she was amazing I could feel it personally . They say that our heart beats together and we can't live without one another , if any thing happens to her I will not be worth living or I'll be gone too , so we are still happy seeing me as a perfect man as this proves she too is alive.

Looking around , I caught a sight of grey eyes , a gush of wind blew around us and everything except those eyes just became invisible. Her grey and mine green orbs made us hypnotise , "Cedric?" Louis asked with a confused expression.

"What happened?" He asked

"Nothing " I said .

"Whats wrong? I mean you are like staring at someone?" He asked

"You see that girl?" I asked and pointed to the mystery gal' whose eyes were a catch.

"Yeah...she is a beauty isn't ?" He commented and smirked .

"Yeah but does she look like I mean different ,  you know what I mean?" I asked but not letting him speak .

"Let's atleast talk to her ?" I asked but he shook his head and finally we were joined by Aiden . My best friends .

"And wait look who is here?" Louis said.

"Who?" Aiden asked.

"Natasha" I said , they laughed.

They all knew I hated her , not hate but I don't like her much because she was sticky and clinging . Our parents want us to get engaged to each other and that is awful because of the royal Traits and the Tradition which has been followed since hundreds of years back .

Though Natasha is beautiful but Agatha would have be more . Even before she was born the astrologers according to our stars told us that we will be together but Hardships..


"Yeah love.." I said seductively.

"Come on let's eat and enjoy..." She pulled me aside.

"That's what I'm doing , you should with your friends because I am here with mine"I said , pointing to Louis and Aiden .

"Why do you mistreat her? She is damn hot and loves you a lot.." Louis said in a mocking tone.

"Come on, you know I loved Agatha" I said .

"Yeah yeah , Like Agatha and you knew each other since years . Boy , you did not even know what was love when you were five " Aiden commented , making Louis laugh .

"Shut up" I rolled my eyes .
All love ,
Prabhleen <3

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