Chapter 6

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Queen Malinda's pov

I was sitting in my room with Al , where we were discussing Cedric's and Natasha's wedding which was decided for the coming year , we just wanted to complete this project fast .

"I still wish Agatha was here with us, Cedric is not agreeing on this wedding , Natasha loves him . I mean what kind of problem are we in Malinda" he said with grief.

"Come on , Al everything will be fine , everything " I said and hugged him , I knew what I was saying was wrong but what more could I do to reassure him . We started the work again and then heard not someone but Harry calling us downstairs .

"Uncle Al , Aunt Malinda , Natasha! Everyone please come down" He screamed

"What is happening ?'" I asked Al with panic , something must have gone wrong or else he wouldn't shout like this and scare us to death . "Come..." He said , held my hand and we ran downstairs . Everyone was already there before we arrived .

"What Cedric , what happened?" Al asked  He smiled and nodded and then pulled a girl from behind his back and pushed her , making her dis-balance and ultimately fall with a thud.

"This... This happened!" He said and pointed to the blonde , crouching down and crying. "What?" I asked with confusion , how dare he bring someone like her into the palace.

"Aunt Malinda , this girl , does she resemble anyone...looks familiar to you..?" He asked.

"What are you talking about , son ?" I said and shook my head , she wasn't familiar to me .

"No , just one look" he said , I just shook my head . "You're out of your senses , I can't waste any more time for a sobbing girl in our palace and dare you shout like this again " I warned him and was about to turn when the girl croaked "he-lp , My-Que-en" I took a deep breath and finally decided to have some sympathy for the poor girl .  I lifted her up and saw that she was crying . I wiped her tears , holding her by her shoulders .

Those pleading grey eyes , just like peace and a sense of calm . Like that of the ocean , the waves , the calm noise of it's rising and falling . Like the dark side of clouds , rain , thunder . "Your name?" I asked her in my most serious tone .

"Its Amanda , My Queen" she whispered and looked down at the marble floor.

"Sure , what's wrong?" I asked her .

"Aunt she-" I cut Cedric off with my hand "the Question is being asked to her , not you" I said and he nodded. "The-Prince , Prince Cedric took me here , h-e stated me as the Los-t Pr-nice-ss" she stammered and I gasped . How can someone , anyone get the chance to accuse a normal girl as my Princess , my daughter . I glared at Cedric for some explanation . He nodded and started that how he went to the pub , way to washroom he helped Amanda and ultimately knowing that she is Agatha . After the whole story I was stunned , this can't be true , my daughter here now , like really now . But wait I can't believe it , I needed some proof , this could be like a trick.

"I need a proof , I can't believe it until I get a perfect reason to do so" I stated and Cedric nodded . He looked at Aiden and he went out .

"Please .. please My Queen , let me go . I want to see my dad , he must be very angry from me right now" The girl pleaded with her hands folded .  "Look she has a home , dad as well " Natasha said and I glared at her .

"Such nonsense will not be tolerated Nuts " I said and she nodded.

"Guards" Aiden came back and clapped . We stood there looking at the main door for the clue and soon two guards came with an almost unconscious man , his arms around their shoulders and coughing , blood on his face and mouth , must've been beaten by them . I hissed at the scene.

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