Chapter 16

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I sat on my bed and stayed there like an idiot with my legs crossed and hands on them

"Made for each other!" I mocked in a silly tone.

"Never!" I shouted and there was a knock at my door.

"yeah" I said "baby , you want to eat anything" mum .

" mother actually I'm full" I said and imagined her nod and there were steps indicating that she went away...

It's 8:30 now I need to go to Nuts room , I got up and tip toed to her room . I opened the door and stepped inside , it was cool due to the air conditioner , I then made my way to my left side's cupboard , I opened and took out my long purple shirt and pink leggings and changed there itself , I don't care if Nuts has a problem with my clothes . Before I snuggled in my sheets I looked everywhere to see my belongings which I needed for the  night :
Water bottle - check
Alarm clock - check { no phone till now}
Cream - check
Yes I then snuggled into the white sheets and let the orange night lamp on because I didn't want a chaos tonight and soon my eyes got droopy and I slept.

Cedric's  pov

I didn't want to eat the dinner though , but I sat on the dining table just to talk , aunt Malinda told that Agatha wasn't coming so I just was straight faced.

" Cedric?" Uncle Al said

"Yeah " I replied

"Tomorrow get a phone for Agatha ,okay" he ordered

"Yeah" .

"Tomorrow I want Agatha to roam around the kingdom, to get to know our kingdom, our barracks , our people ? Is that okay?" He asked

"Of course it is, love" Aunt Malinda replied

"And we all will go together and see if she doesn't run..." He said

And we all nodded...dinner passed soon and this time Uncle Al and Me went along with Nuts to her room to see Agatha . We creaked open the door and there she was snuggled deep inside the thin white sheets and the air was quite cold , I got to the remote  ,
Lifted it in the air and pressed the off button and there was a beeping sound indicating that the AC is switched off. I went to Agatha and looked at her , she looked so peaceful while sleeping as always but yeah only while sleeping . I then just went out leaving Uncle Al there alone and went to my room.

Jessica's pov
I twisted and turned again and again , I wanted sleep but I guess my brain didn't think so.

"Will you stop moving?" Nuts groaned .

"I'm sorry" I whispered and she hummed. I got up and sat on the bed side with my feet on the floor , "Today we are going to see the kingdom and you are going too ,so get up and get ready so I follow" she said in her sleeping tone .

"The kingdom? Today?" I turned and asked.

"I can't repeat " she stated .

I went to my cupboard and opened it . "What should I wear" I whispered and searched through the pile of clothes. "Yes!" I whispered again and went to the washroom to take a quick shower.

I came out of the washroom and the dressing room as well and was settled in a Black crop top with a cool font, blue shorts , paired with my quite long black converse .
When I came out I saw all the three guys standing in front of me and talking to each other while Nuts looked at me , raised her eyebrow and said "Looks like we royals affected you a lot" she said .

"Whoa Agatha, you look gorgeous " Louis trailed of...

"And sexy as well" Aiden  added while all nodded except Cedric who had his jaw clenched .

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