Chapter 37 - forever young

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Ed on side ;) yup he's Ian Somerhalder .... ..

"Hoping for the best and expecting the worse " ~ Forever young .

Natasha's pov

"" I asked .

"Uh...I think we should tell her the real truth" he said and nodded .

"No , no Ed ...that's wrong ,then of course If Jessica would know the truth she would forgive Harry and then you know they can be together like back then" I said with astonishment.

Ed just stood there with his arms crossed and smirking . "Of course not , I'll tell her that I was saved by Mr.Alan who helped me out here , treated me like his own blood and then helped me till now" he completed . Wow that ain't that bad.

"And about that Styles , I'll not let Jessica go near him any more and after all everything that's happened , she'd of course listen to me ..... " he completed and dialled someone's number .

"Hello , Mr.Alan , I think you've got another work for me and Princess Natasha " he said and smiled , going out of the room and continuing his talk with Mr.Alan , his fake dad...

"Now Harry's all mine , Queen Jessica" I said to myself and smiled wickedly .

Ed's pov {for the first time in forever :P }

I feel bad. The cravings are getting worse than ever , I thought living like this would blow off everything but no . Living like Noah Alan was nothing so good as being with Jessica , it's been months since I'd seen her , since Harry pushed me off , since Natasha rescued me from there , since Mr.Alan wanted to take care of me and since I was announced dead .

My family , my everything thinks I'm no more , even Jessica Did but when she saw me as Noah , she was startled , I could tell that she did lose hope , Natasha told me how Harry had a marriage contract and even that all the wealth of Jessica would only be pronounced hers' of she marries Harry , that unrealistic . Seeing Jessica in this state wanted me to comfort her and confront her of all the lies she's been living in , how her own sister wants to ruin her life just for being with Harry . I wanted to tell her everything which happened after my 'death' with me . Look how ironic does it sound .

Everything right now is just out of state . I don't want to reveal that I'm Ed and want Jessica to find that out soon by herself so that everything becomes much easier . I'm sure she'd be looking in some kingdom files to see my names and stuff and that Natasha changed some of them , adding my files between them and more stuff to prove I'm not Ed.

I just want everything to end soon . I'm back but this time with the same motive but a different way , like they say 'Devils Come Back' so am I ... I will take Jessica with me and not let her survive alone anymore . I will elope with her soon before her so called Marriage With The My Murderer.

Jessica's pov

"I don't care ! I want to meet Noah Alan , again!" I shouted at like who was quivering like clod struck onto his head .

"Ma'am , Prince Harry sai-d that y-ou shoul-nt me-et him again" he completed .

I clenched my jaw and went near him , decreasing the tensed distance between us , pointing my finger to his face and saying " He is no one to order the Queen , you know" I said and he nodded.

"I'll ... I'll make the appointment now" he said , "no wait , Luke .... I'd like to meet him informally , like a ... A friend , want to know him better than ever .... Ask his assistants for his schedule and set a booking for us at a nice restaurant " I said and smirked .

"Okay... My Queen " he said quietly and left .

"I'm coming , Ed " I said to myself .


"So you wanted to meet me , again , I see " Noah Alan said and smiled .

"Yea-h" I stuttered... Cleaning my hands and attacking the food .

"So any work?" He asked . "Uh...not actually , I just wanted to....uh to apologise?" I said to him , maybe as a question .

"Apologise ? For what?" He asked , confused .

"Ummm for referring you as Ed" I completed and gulped , he just oh-ed and nodded , continuing with his eat.

"So ... What's new?" I asked , chewing my food.

"Nothing , elections are coming and being the Mayor's son , everything is too difficult" he said

"Yeah , so you're his real son?" I asked out if way . He looked at me with a glint in his eyes , like sorrow , a hint of sadness and unrealistic things . Our eyes were locked until I don't know when , but we were separated by the waitress asking for our needs which we rejected . Luke payed the bill for the debt and went back to the palace while I stayed with Noah.

We were standing outside to restaurant , on the side walk . Many people who saw me bowed and wished me a good evening . The sun had already been set but the glow was still there , like filtered from the dust pores , creating a Blemishing twilight which could attract any one .

The wind blew like swirls around us , honks of cars , traffic , steps of people , laugh of kids could only be heard . This meet wasn't as good as I thought for it to be . We both stood across each other and I kept stealing quiet glances at him while he just looked up on the tinted clouds . I just smiled and danced on my toes and heels when he tried to break the silence.

"No" he said

"Sorry?" I asked , confused

"I'm not the real son of Mr.Alan" he said and coughed.

"Really? I thought you were , like the way he talked about you , he talked to you" I said shocked .

"'s complicated " he said and tensed . I neared him , touched his cheek and forced him to look at me .

"Tell me Noah , who is he to you?" I asked , serious. He tried moving his face but no l I can't let go .

"I can't tell you , My Queen" he said .

"Pleas-e" I begged , eyed filled with tears . "I know you're lying , you're not Noah" I whispered .

"Look , Jessica that's enough , Mr.Alan ..... He .. Adopted him years ago and plus I'm ... I'm" he said and shook his head.

"You're what? " I challenged .

"I'm engaged ... So ummm yeah .... He is my family and I'm his ....and I don't know whose's Ed for the last time " he said and sighed like saying this was a big work .

"By the way thanks for the lovely evening , Your Majesty" he whispered , bent his face a little to my level and kissed my cheek . Going away like no care.

He's lying ... Still is ...just expanding everything .

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