Chapter 11

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Agatha's pov

"Okay so it's Final yes!" King Al cheered

Now let me tell you I'm not used to call him Dad or call Queen Malinda mom..
And here we are sitting in the royal Ball room and deciding for the party which will be held tomorrow evening on the occasion of me...

"So Agatha is it okay with you love?" Queen Malinda said . I smiled and nodded.

"I can't believe after so long we all are celebrating an occasion Together!" Aiden cheered and everyone joined. here I am thinking how to believe that I'm a part if them ,  I really wanted to be a princess but this was not the right thing! I mean this was wrong I had to calm down and tell Eric that I belonged here ,  I had almost forgotten about him , I did not even know where he is.

"Okay so your dress is decided and it's one of the prettiest thing one can ever wear"Queen said and clapped her hands with excitement.

"You selected my dress??" I asked shocked .

"Ye-ah is there a-a problem?" She asked , nervously.

"Oh no...I mean I'm quite shocked in a positive way ,thanks .... So what does it look like" I said with the same tone of hers'

"Wait,  first let me tell you that I selected the dress and you'll see it tomorrow only and not before and Cedric selected your jewellery and stuff" she said.

"He!" I said and made a dramatic expression and everybody laughed except Natasha.

"Aye ,  Girl don't you dare say anything to him right!" Natasha said.

"Okay?" I said.

"Better" she huffed and Cedric smirked and flicked his hair getting a head shake from my side . Over confidence..


"Wow" I whispered at the girl standing in front of me , the princess . Princess Agatha, while twirling around and getting a look of the whole me . Me , my reflection , the mirror girl.

My dress was a perfect golden gown , made of chiffon , It sparkled . I had high golden heels on , my hair in a perfect princess bun , I had a small diamond hair piece to settle them , with a diamond set with diamond earrings . I really loved the outfit , now I knew that this family had invested a lot in diamond and gold .

"Thanks" I whispered to Lou , dressing and designer of the Princes' .

"You should thank Queen Malinda for the dress and Prince Cedric for your jewellery and your foot wares ." She said .

"Hmm." I hummed.

"Okay , your Highness I should go now . Have a nice time and you'd be called for when it's time . See you at the party" she said and closed the door.

"See you at the party" I mimicked her voice with some laughing , she's too cute . I was still admiring myself when I head a knocking voice , I went to the door and opened it but no one stood there , huh?

Then once again , I turned and eyed the window , I opened the balcony door instead and when I was bending to see who it's was , a thick scroll hit my head and I rubbed it , carefully .

Looking around  , I could only see the guards running around the garden and then saw a shadow running inside to the middle of the trees . Hmmm , must be the one who gave me this , but who can it be .

I opened the scroll and there was a similar writing , I looked at it suspiciously but couldn't remember whose's it was so I ignored and continued to read what was hidden inside .

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