Chapter 14

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I didn't even notice that I spent so long sitting under the shade and reading such an interesting and loving book that it was 2:00 already . I sat up straight as I was laying down earlier , stretched my arms and legs which made me yawn . I made a tired moan and led down my hands .

"Tired, maybe?" I looked up straight and saw Louis standing there .

"Hey" I said and motioned them to sit , they sat cross legged and me in between them .

"Wuthering Heights?" He commented , and turned the book like he was examining it . I nodded and yawned again.

"Book reading makes a man tired , right?" He asked .

"Yeah it does" I replied and yawned.

"So how's it going between you and Cedric?" He asked again.

"What?" I asked .

"You and Cedric?" He repeated .

"Nothing and what would be there to go between us?" I asked nervously .

That just made him nod and then reply with seriousness , "Agatha , I think Cedric seems quite cute and sweet to you , no doubt he is but he can do anything , go to any height , cross each limit just to take what he wants and who he loves , do not worry love I'm just warning you , there's nothing too serious but do what he wants you to and nothing else " he then smiled .

"Okay come stand up , time for lunch!" He said and led his hand out for me to stand , I gladly took it and stood up . He then started leading me the way.

"oh wait!" I said making both of us stop .

"let me clean up and take my novel" I reassured and they smiled , I let go of Louis's hand and dusted the back of my shorts and shirt then knelt to take my book , as I stood up and turned there was Louis with a purple tulip in his hand , "Beautiful flower for a beautiful lady" he said making me giggle and then laugh harder.

"Princess Agatha" he said .

"Thank you so much Prince Louis " I said and gladly took the flower.

During the lunch I sat in the corner next to Louis and Nuts was with Cedric , she kept finding some or the other way to touch him like if Cedric wasn't listening she would poke his cheek or if his hands were on the table she looked around and then held it and brought it on her thigh which made me chuckle she thought no one would see her but yeah I caught her .

Cedric was mostly quiet and if any one asked him a question he used to answer it by a nod , a shake , a smile , a frown and more different kinds of expressions . While I chit chatted with Louis , he was quite sweet and funny as well , he also told me about his girlfriend's life who was again a Princess.

Time passed by quite soon and I was the first one to leave the hall as I was curious about my book , Cedric was right the book is amazing .

When I left the hall I went straight to my room, shut the door and went straight to the balcony , I sat on the arm chair with my legs on a small stool while eating a bowl of cookie chip ice cream which I ordered .

I was half way through my eating when the door slammed open and there he was , someone whom I didn't expect, someone from whom I was scared as shit , Cedric.

He came in and slammed the door with a thud ! Made his way roughly to me and my heart started beating faster . But why? Maybe cause of -wait ..I stood up and we were now face to face .

"What were you talking to Louis? I mean what were you doing with Louis before the lunch?" He asked straight way .

"Does it matter?" I snapped . He came more closer and turned me with my right arm which was now at my back within his hands "hey" I whispered.

"Answer what I ask you okay , Princess ?" He asked , I nodded and he let go of me.

"I.. I .. We were just talking about this book..." I trailed of and pointed to the book at the table .

"And?" He inquired of.

"And that uh... How are you..." I whispered and he shot me a glare.

"What about me?" He growled.

"Uh..that how sweet you are and your good deeds and I should give you a chance" I said , he smirked but it was replaced by his frown and a stern face.

"That's not all " he said .

"And you could do anything to get what you want" I whispered and expected him to harm me again but he didn't and instead smirked.

"Yeah..he is right . I'm sure he is . I can do anything to get what I want . Anything" he said making me shiver.

"Aww...don't get scared and I will harm you only if you disobey me okay , My Princess ?" He asked I nodded.

"Come on get ready , fast!" He said

"Why?" I asked

"What did I say earlier ? Do What I Say !" He shouted.

"Okay but I'm just curious ..." I said and laughed in a shaky tone to change the tension between us .

He sighed "to...the Mall! Fast now , I'm glowing out and you get ready" he said and I squeaked .  Mall .

A/N - hey ppl , hope u like it , I know it's small but I wanted to update so here it is DO WHAT I SAY , and plz vote?? Hheheheheh :)

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