Chapter 3

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Wow , things were huge here , the gardens , the halls and every inch of tile . Soon after the King's promises and his own rules which he said we should be particular about , the lunch was announced and the crowd ran to the stalls like open Angry Bulls I walked with dad and we preferred to Italian . We stood in front of the stall and ate in our paper plates with a glass of juice to help us gulp the delicious yet spicy food . He just told me about the Kingdom and I nodded making it clear for him that I was all ears . His talks were boring though , the way he told me that he was going to open another shop and it's criteria , I sighed and looked around at everyone .

My future friends , maybe .

Everybody was laughing and having a good time together in knowing each other but I couldn't , as dad hated the fact that I talk to anybody . I turned my head a little and saw , three boys looking at me with furrowed eye brows , with suits and ties which matched their dress shirts , designed boots . One of them being Prince Cedric . It looked that they were thinking something , I guess but I quickly turned away .

"Dad?" I asked with a sense of fright .

"Yeah." He replied while eating .

"Do you know them?" I asked and pointed to the boys . Father looked shocked as he hiccuped and gulped as if adrenaline rose in his mouth .

"What? Did I just say something wrong?" I asked in an innocent way , I know behaving to him this way was gonna pay me but his nervousness made my curiosity rise higher .

"Look Amanda , let's make it short and simple , you will not see them again , not talk to them , or about them or meet them ever , you got that?" He said emphasising on 'Not' and 'Or' , moving his right hand's pointer finger up and down , left and right like a skill full debater .

"Why?" I asked confused , this was wrong and something non-sensible.

"They don't look good" he said and nodded , agreeing at his own lines and I just sighed with annoyance .

"Dad , why don't we make this short and simple , they are the Royalty , they are Crowned Prince of their kingdoms , so why are they bad?" I asked and copied his actions , which I'm sure made him angry .

"What is being told to you is final , I'm not going to repeat myself , you need to listen to me understand?" He commanded.

"Why?" I replied in defence .

He raised his brows making it obvious not to argue more or else I'll have to deal with him tonight which I really did not want .

"Answer me !" He said with gritted teeth and I gulped .

"Yea-h" I stammered and looked down at the small stones embedded in the mud .

"Good , Okay so now I need to go in a meeting again and it will take me around some hours , so I expect you to go back to the house without indulging into talks and being as an introvert , did I make myself clear ?" He ordered with his raised , questioning eyebrows filled with a cup of confidence I couldn't deny .

"Yup" I replied with ignorance so I won't be scared much .

"Good" He said and handed me a five dollar cash .

"Where'd you get this from?" I asked and pulled the note out if his hands in complete shock , he and money , how many times have I been arrested .

"You'll need this " He said and ignored my question . I guess he referred to a ride back  home so I just nodded not wanting to fight here .

"Okay bye " I said

"Hmm bye take care" He said and kissing my forehead which made the ladies around us , aww with sweetness.

He smirked and left with an unknown man.

"Okay so girl, you need to go home like a good girl like daddy said but wait , You need to explore and have about some  hours and cannot do that when dad is here so you can now , yes you can, you need to know this place much better " I spoke to myself .

I nodded and turned but bumped into someone .

"I'm sorry" I muttered and was about to explore my way when I was cut off by a cough behind me so I turned and was met with a pair of bright blue eyes.

"I'm sorry , Miss" He exclaimed in a perfect tone , he might one of the Prince so I bowed with respect , keeping my right foot steady .

"It's a pleasure to meet you , sir" I said and widened my eyes with what I just did , ran into the Crowned Prince , like really a Crowned Prince .

"No need to bow , it's just okay with us , I'm Louis " he said , stretching his hand , which I shook .

"This is Aiden and Cedric" he referred to the one's standing beside him . I greeted each of them gently and introduced myself ,

"Amanda" I said , in a chary way . God , they are making me blush . Each of them looked at the other with widened eyes .

"Amanda" Prince Niall , whom I saw talking to Prince Cedric before , repeated breaking the silence .

"Amanda" I repeated and nodded with confidence , is it that bad?

"Wow , what a beautiful name" said a raspy, bold voice that belonged to Ce- I mean Prince Cedric who might have read my mind . Thank you .

"Don't think so " I said and they all laughed making me blush harder this time  .

"You are the daughter of..? " Prince Aiden questioned with interest .

"Alex" I said and they all nodded .

"Did you come here before?" Prince Louis questioned again .

"No, why?" I asked with complete interest .

"Curious" He replied,

"Baby??!!!" Shrieked a shrill voice , I moved a little right to see a girl with black sun shades , a bright yellow shirt with a white pleated mini skirt.

"What are you doing here? And wait with her?"" She asked to Prince Cedric , of course referring to me .

"Nothi-" he was cut by her.

"You girl , stay away from my Cedric . You ain't nothing , nothing to him , he is mine !" She exclaimed with anger .

Wait! how the hell did she say that to me, I did not have any interest in him.

"Hello...Little Miss Perfect , I am not interested in anyone here and I did not come to him , he came here , you understand and dare you talk to me like that , I'm gonna kick the hell out of you !" I screamed

"Hello!! I am the Princess and the soon to be Queen and wife of Cedric , you understand you have no right to talk to me like that!" She exclaimed.

"Wait , according to the Royal rules the prince or princess have no right to talk to the people of kingdom like that and no need to show off their wealth if they want to be a good ruler. So please no need to teach me the rules I know all of them and you are getting married to him and becoming the Queen because your elder sister got kidnapped ! " I said and ran. I don't know...where and thinking how the hell did I speak so well!!

Cedric's pov

"Wait , according to the Royal rules the prince or princess have no right to talk to the people of kingdom like that and no need to show off their wealth if they want to be a good ruler. So please no need to teach me the rules I know all of them and you are getting married to him and becoming the Queen because your elder sister got kidnapped ! " She said.

How does she know this? No one except the Royals know this rule and that Natasha is getting married to me as Agatha got kidnapped . No one.

I don't know how does she know this . I guess the lads were thinking the same so when I turned to him , they all give in me the same How. The . Hell . Look so I nodded at them to get as much possible information of this girl , making them nod back .

"Idiot , teaching me !" Natasha exclaimed and stomped her foot on the ground and went back from where she came .

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