Chapter 36 - Valentines Day Special ❤️

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Happy valentines' day to ol! Hope u have a gr8 day with ur loved one and here's a special! ----


"You kiss on side walks , you fight and you talk " ~ You're in Love , Taylor Swift

Harry's pov

I walked around my room , biting my nails , tomorrow is 14 Feb ! Valentines day! It's really too early for everything . A part of me doesn't care about the coming tomorrow but the other half wants to make Jessica happy , I know I did wrong to her that it was just a deal to marry her but now I feel I should work onto it .

She's the queen and doesn't have the right to do as much but ....I think I should try something new . I've never planned dates and this loving suff as it was always the opposite sex who would do such things to try and make me happy which they rarely did but now it was my chance to do , the chance I never wanted to come but yeah there's always a First time .. is like they call .

I smiled and nodded , I should , that'd be great . I walked out of my room to the Queen's office . My boots clicked on the shiny carpeted floor and I smiled at the workers who bowed down at me .

I reached the half closed door and stood there for a second to make myself enough prepared for this . I surely wouldn't beg her to come but order . I don't want her to fly like a free bird in front of me .

I didn't bother to knock the Wooden door but strongly pushed it open .

"What the hell! Luke! " she shouted barely looking up at me .

"Ahem!" I coughed , to confirm my presence . She looked up and sat up on her seat , shocked eyes and I smirked.

"Well uh.. You sacred me ..." She mumbled , looking down .

"Hmm" I hummed in response ...

"Uh.I'm sorry I thought it was Luk-" I cut her off with my hand raised me .

"I know I know .... Cut that shit " I snapped , while walking up to the seat opposite to hers' , turning it on it's wheels and smirking , stopping it with a sudden halt and sitting down like the Bitch I am ..

"Now... Tomorrow you are free" I said looking around the room , she looked a little scared and started mumbling something and counting on her fingers , finally looking at me . "No I'm not" she confirmed .

"I wasn't asking , just telling you to be free" I said in a stern tone . All she said was an Oh.

"Yeah , so meet me tomorrow in the morning at ..uh.. Sharp 10:00 " I said and went out but was stopped when she asked me a certain question I never wanted her to .

"Harry , tomorrow is uh.. are you thinking to take me out?" She squeaked . I was stunned , never turned but looked at my back , twitching my lips from one side and saying "love , I am not the free one , I thought the company was over due the kingdom knows we're getting married , so I wanted to make it real and tomorrow 10:00 and uh.. A dress would work instead of a gown.." I said and went out hearing her take a big sigh.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Jessica's pov

"Good morning , My Queen" said the maid of honour . I smiled at her , she just hummed and I sat on the dining table . No one was around , not every the one who canceled all my schedules . Stupid Harry .

I was cut of by Mrs.James's humming , she bowed and I smiled , resting a dish in front if me covered with the steel case . She bent down and allowed me to disclose it . I did what was said and smiled at the breakfast for today . That looked delicious and beautiful as well.

My Dream || fantasy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora