Thanks !

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Hey everyone , wow still can't believe about 1.02 K votes!!?? 288 comments! Thanks lot , it wasn't possible without any of u all! How am I such a lucky champ?

Thanks again for your support in My Felicitations! I love you all !

Keep voting ! Helping!
~A peek to the next chapter~

Natasha's pov

"" I asked .

"Uh...I think we should tell her the real truth" he said and nodded .

"No , no Ed ...that's wrong ,then of course If Jessica would know the truth she would forgive Harry and then you know they can be together like back then" I said with astonishment.

Ed just stood there with his arms crossed and smirking . "Of course not , I'll tell her that I was saved by Mr.Alan who helped me out here , treated me like his own blood and then helped me till now" he completed . Wow that ain't that bad.

"And about that Styles , I'll not let Jessica go near him any more and after all everything that's happened , she'd of course listen to me ..... " he completed and dialled someone's number .


My Dream || fantasy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora