Chapter 18 -

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Agatha's pov

I woke up in my bedroom with the loud noise of thunder and a huge headache  Hangover? They call maybe? I turned and opened my phone , it read 11:30 at the night I  got up immediately and looked at my right,  I was correct the balcony glass door was opened and the purple curtains were flowing with the winds and making a swinging sound of wind . I was in my room ....

I shivered under this expression . I looked here and there and then lifted my sheet , I tip toed to the sliding door and moved the curtains aside , the air was quite cold and I wrapped my arms around myself and shut the sliding with all of my force and finally I succeeded and then I went back to my bed and sat on it with my feet on the ground and looked up at the ceiling .

I laid down and pulled the covers up to my chin and then another thunder! Made me snuggled deep inside , I closed my eyes and tried sleeping but no , so I moved a little aside and then switched the lights on as it was near to my bed , now I guess it was better . I moved aside and picked up the water bottle, I was really fed up with this hangover , while I was drinking there was a loud BOOM , outside and the lights went off ! Shit a power cut! and the bottle fell from my hands and I screamed with horror and grabbed hold of the sheets tightly and started crying , don't get me wrong but everyone has fears! Right I'm scared of thunder and darkness . I got up immediately and rushed to the door , I opened the door with full force and came out, the halls were silent and no lights instead of a small white bulb in every corner , maybe they worked with battery ? I sighed with relief and squeaked and ran to the right side .

My feet made their way to the set of different rooms and I looked at each one of them with squinted eyes , I concentrated on the name plates which were written in golden letters let me tell you of Real Gold ... I finally reached to one and the best door and name that read Prince Cedric , I smiled at the sweet and attracting name and started creasing the Bold Golden letters .

I creaked open the wooden door , I peeked my face inside and smiled at the cute Cedroc , snuggled in the white blanket , I came inside and closed the door and was turni- "Agatha ?" maybe I closed the door a little loud , I turned and fake smiled .

"hi..Cedric" I Said and smiled though I knew he couldn't see me due to the darkness but fortunately he twisted and switched the small yet attractive bed side lamp on , the cover of the lamp was craved in a beautiful artistic way which made the yellowish orange colour split in the room with perfect designs.

"Scared?" He asked but I was too lost in his beautiful green eyes which were now squinted due to the lamp' light and his perfect curls messed up and his smile when he laughed making me remember his question and I nodded , he motioned for me to come near , I went to the opposite side of the bed , which was near the balcony door again .

"uh..wanna come this side?" He asked and I mentally thanked him for understanding me but I denied , I can't irritate him more , I laid down and looked at Cedric , he smiled which I could see due to the lightening . There was then another thunder , I was shocked and hid under my blanket I mean his blanket .

He chuckled and lifted the blanket up , revealing my face , he cupped my cheeks and whispered "you look cute when you are scared" he said making me huff with anger and he laughed then he with his hand moved me closer to his chest and I snuggled into it while he in the crook of my neck.

"thanks Cedric" I whispered and could imagine him smile .

"I'll always be there for you princess" he whispered back .

Ten minutes had passed and I still didn't sleep but instead thought of Cedric , he was so nice , caring , loving , and always helped me .

Then I felt lonely so I said "Cedric?" I asked and he hummed in response

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