Chapter 8

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Agatha's pov

I don't know , but after crying and soaking my eyes wet , I decided to clean myself , I wrapped a pink towel around me and one small around my hair and came out . The room was chilled due to the air conditioner and I shivered under the expression .

I tip toed to the dressing table , opened the first drawer and was met by a basket filled with make up with a ribbon on its holder , I shook my head .


No , this cannot change the real Me , I closed the drawer and looked at myself in the  mirror , my face , my hair , my crinkles , my eyes , did they match any of the Royals here?

"No , they don't " I said to myself and pointed to the mirror . Okay so brace up yourself for all means , to be like yourself , it's simple you wear filthy clothes , you have a stupid hairstyle and you'b be thrown out immediately . So I need to be as stupid as possible and take dad with me to a new kingdom .

"Okay so...uh...a stupid ,stupid , stupid" I said in a perfect tune and smirked.

"Yeah this one!" I said...and grinned , holding .


I came down at 1:30 pm through the grand staircase after the events of morning. I saw that no one was sitting on the dinning table so I went to the big kitchen.

"Good afternoon your highness.. " the Cook said and bowed with a look of confusion in his eyes , I smirked but ignored , I'm not the Princess , while searching the containers , lifting their lids and checking the food stuff.

"My lady , it's time for the lunch , you are requested to be seated as everyone must have reached" He added , I glared at him and said "look I'm not your lady , be simple , hi I'm Amanda " I said and led my hand out he just stood with disappointment and I shook my head . I'm bad if I wanna be .

I went outside and saw everyone seated , Woah that was fast , nobody saw me there but were talking and whispering among themselves , so I coughed. Now getting their attention.

"Afternoon" I said and smiled at everyone but everyone glared at my outfit , Aiden in his laugh fits. Plan is working , babe . King Al coughed and all eyes were down . Natasha wasn't anywhere to be found so I didn't bother to ask for that idiot.

I smiled at Aiden when he looked at me again in a funny way which caused him to laugh harder and all eyes diverted to him "Son , water should suffice your coughs" King Al said and glasses of water arrived , even a guard came , pulled the chair next to Cedric and motioned for me to sit but instead I pulled the chair next to Aiden and sat there.

"You were supposed to sit here" Cedric said sternly and pointed to the seat next to him.

"I'm sorry but that place is quite suffocating so I prefer to sit here" I said and rolled my eyes at him .

"List-" he was cut by Queen Malinda'a annoyed look .

"Okay, serve" said King Al, soon the dining hall was filled with waiters and dishes in their hands covered with silver big covers to keep them warm. I just preferred curry and rice and a glass of lemonade .Everyone started their food , the sound of clinking of spoons , forks , glasses echoed in the hall . I looked at everyone , their style of eating , holding forks with left hands and knives with right , I concentrated and held the fork in my left hand and the knife in the right , copied their actions and tried to cut the garlic bread , I put on a whole lot of pressure I guess , because the fork jumped out of my hands and landed on the floor with a pitchy noise and I closed my eyes , everyone looked at the fork and me , fork and me and I coughed with red cheeks .

"I'm sorry" I said and everyone worked on their food again . I pulled out my tongue because of my mistake and chuckled to myself , shaking my head and started eating with my hands , Queen Malinda looked at me with a disgusting face and turned away when I caught her .

What can I do ? I'm not accustomed to this, that's why I didn't belong here . Now everyone was silent . King Al wanted to break the silence so he coughed again and looked up at everyone .

"Uh...Green , erm...Nice colour " he said and pointed at me with his fork's tip while eating , Damn it , he should be angry , right now.

"Yeah , I guess it's better to wear such loose clothes better than your stupid red capes and crowns and that suits and gowns" I said and made a disgusted face though I've always adored them like hell . I really love being here not as Agatha but as Amanda , sure as hell that I'm not the Princess , these people are mistaken and I need to make them believe .

The king snapped his fork on the plate and Cedric cursed under his breath , shaking his head at me but I shrugged it . "You're not supposed to insult the Royalty , the God of yours' " he clearly stated and I coughed .

"It's not about Royalty , My King but comfort " I said and emphasised on Comfort with quoted fingers smiled proudly , he sighed and eyed me .

"You know a King can send even his daughter out of the palace with one go" he said , every word with a pause and I smirked , stood up happily , pushed the chair back with my knee's back and clapped my hands to remove the invisible dust , the King had a mesmerising expression on his face , I think I'm the first to insult him in this water -planet .

"Thank you" I said and smiled , turned and walked to the castle door .

"You think this is gonna work?" Cedric asked and grabbed my wrist .

"Are you out of this uh...your intellect ? " I whispered to him and pushed his head a little with my pointer finger and he raised his eyebrows , side smiled , left my hand and backed a little .

"You aren't supposed to speak to your fiancé like that" he whispered and shook his head like as insane .

"Great , you're now angry from me , You and His Majesty , look uh , I know , I know " I said in a way of like a psychiatrist and neared him, rested my hands on his shoulders and decreased the distance between us taking deep breaths , "I know , what it's like having to lose someone , someone you really love , really care about but Your Highness , she can't come back , you need to move on and not accuse any blonde out there of Princess , she is there in the sky , watching you and she would love if you ,move on and marry Princess Natasha" I finished on the sweetest tone as possible and made a dramatic o-shape mouth "I forgot , this habit of your's of grabbing a girl's wrist , isn't good" I whispered the last part and smirked and winked at him .

"Nice meeting , You all" I said and was about to salute when Cedric grabbed my hand and smirked at me back , what now!

"Come on guys , let's get some fresh air like the lady wants so much , don't we Lovely " he said to the Princes' and then to me , I gulped and was pulled out of the castle .

I am an idiot!

This is small but still , vote? And an imagine is waiting for you for so long ,

Prabhleen ❤️

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