Chapter 12

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"Are you Mad??!!! How dare you try to run away when we trusted you !" Queen Malinda screamed and shook me at the same time ...

"I-I" I stuttered

"What I? You know that how would we all be regarded after all this , Do you even know that?" She shouted.

"That's enough ! We've been giving you enough liberty!" King Al shouted and I was confused .

"Now , you are grounded , for atleast a month , don't think this would be easy and you would stay in Natasha's room from now!" Screamed Queen Malinda.

"No way!" Said me and Natasha , together .

"Just shut up! Just keep your fucking dirty mouth shut!" Cedric said , grabbed my wrist by pulling me hard and I was forced to follow him to Natasha's room .

"Please Cedric pl-" I was cut by him stopping mid way in the corridor with purple paints and golden vintage designs , doors on each side and the ceiling was decorated with plasters of Paris and scented candles.

He came near and I tried to back away but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer . "I warned you , Didn't I? I'm sure I did . I asked you to be a good girl but wow , Bravo , you tried to run away with someone and that someone in front of almost the whole crowd and guards and now you are gone" he said through gritted teeth.

He then pulled me to my room with no more comments , the worst part here is that I'm not even given a chance to explain my point of view.

"Maids!" He said and clapped his hands.

Different ladies with same outfits though came running to him and bowed.

"Yes, Your highness" said one , politely .

"Pack her clothes and shift them to Nuts's room fast and Agatha tell them what you need and what you don't" he said and referred to me. I nodded because talking right now meant only worse.

I helped the maids a little in work and then nodded at Harry . He again pulled me , soon a big white vintage , beautifully designed room laid in front of us.

He motioned for the maids to enter and put my stuff , suitcases in a corner and pushed me inside .

The room was orange in colour with a big white king sized bed , a small coffee table with small designed stools on either side of it . There was a big couch on the side of the big glass window and a door for the closest and washroom , maybe.

Sounds of footsteps could be heard and there was Natasha in her big black night gown and a devilish grin on her face which I could smash at any moment now .

"Oh look who is here?" She said and eyed me , up to down .

"Nuts , take care of her . Do see to her" Cedric said with disgust in his voice.

She smirked, he let go of my wrist , went near to Nuts , whispered something in her ear making her smile and kissed her earlobe making her blush a lot.

He then , before going out and closing the door , glared at me and I just blinked .

"Look first of all , the left side is yours and right side is mine , okay? " she stated clearly and I nodded with understanding .

"Washroom and dressing room will be shared and don't mess out in there , okay?" She warned , making me roll my eyes in response .

"Go change!" She said and pointed at another white door but I just made a wired face .

"Um..can you help me out if this dre-" she cut me by a handful of claps and again the same maids "Help her get out of that dress" she pointed at me and they nodded , leading me in the dressing room .

My Dream || fantasy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora