"Beautiful Rival and Friendship"

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Stella Pov:

I was walking to the back of the transport unit to see if that girl was alright. Because I was kind of a little bit too hardcore.

Blonde Woman: " Watch and learn. This is how a true sniper fires."

Stella: (Sighing) "Haaaa. Maybe I went overboard as usual. "

I then Heard some talking, it was that girl and their leader Ichigo.

Miku: " because, sadly, I just realize. My heart belongs to Zorome and only him. And the fun and smiles I had just don't feel right without him around as one time."

I couldn't believe it, this girl Miku was Zorome's ex partner and lover. The girl that holds a special place in Zorome's heart where not even I can't reach or comprehend. She tick me of.

Stella: (Annoyed) " Tek,"

I then walked into the room and confronted her.

Stella: " So your the one who broke Zorome's heart. Your not what I was expecting."

She then looked at me with teary eyes which quickly turned into angry ones.

Miku: (Annoyed) " What did you just say?"

Stella: " You heard me, you weren't what I was expecting. To know my husband was with someone like you."

Miku: (Really annoyed) " Oh really, and what kind of someone am I."

Stella: (Cold Expression) " Weak."

This tick Miku off and she pulled your side hand gun at me, but in a flash of yellow I saw Destiney with a kunai at her throat. Ready to end her with a smile on her face.

Destiney: (Smiling) " Oh look at that, here I thought you were a Cool headed person like my mom, but your just the opposite of what I was expecting you to be miss Miku. So sad"

Ichigo then pulled her gun at Destiney's head, but soon after a Kunai was also at her throat as well.

Voice: " If your planning on killing her, might as well you give up. Because my kunai is faster then your bullet could ever be."

Their was this boy in a black T-shirt with a red jacket over it, with a black shorts, slippers, black hair and blue eyes. It was Itachi's son, Sasuke.

Destiney: (Smiling) " Sasuke, why are you always here."

Sasuke: (smiling) "How should I know, we just always randomly bump into each other at times."

Destiney: " As if, you pervert."

Sasuke: (Blushing) " P-Pervert! Where did that came from!"

Destiney: (smirking) " Were you hoping to get a sneak peak at something sasuke, after all, I was just going to the bathroom you know."

Sasuke: (Blushing harder) " S-Sneak peak........Sneak Peak! What do you take me for you idiot. A dead beat."

Destiney: " Nope more like a creep. But hi who knows, maybe your worst than that."

Sasuke: (annoyed) " Why you little."

Then a male voice came in.

Voice: "That's enough,"

I turned to my left and saw this black haired guy, it was Itachi.

Itachi: " Sasuke, Destiney, stand down. We didn't come here to cause a war, we came to assist in saving Zorome's life."

Destiney: " Sigh, fine. I'm going on the van balcony."

Sasuke: " Hi Destiney wait, I'm not finish here. Who you calling a pervert! I need a apology."

Darling in the franxx: 'The New World'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora