' Setting the Stage.'

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Hiro's Pov:

Waking up in the morning, I then looked beside of me and saw a naked Zero Two. I then asked myself.

Hiro: " Huh, what the hell happened last night. Why is Zero Two naked?"

Zero Two: (Waking Up) " Mmmm, darling is it morning already..."

Hiro: " Uh...... Um, yeah."

Zero Two: " I see, well I guess it's time to get up then."

Zero Two then raised up from under the sheets and her full glory of nakedness was showing in the bright morning sun light, which was shining through the semi parted curtains in our bedroom. Her sweet smooth milky skin had me in a trance, and wouldn't let go. She then looked at me and small.

Zero Two: (Smiling) Darrling...."

Hiro: (Shocked) " Uh..... Huh?"

Zero Two: (Smirking) " What are you looking at,.... Hmmmm..."

Hiro: (Blushing) " N-Nothing...."

Zero Two: (Smiling) " Oh Darling, you pervert.."

Hiro: (Embarrassed) " P- Pervert..."

Zero Two then went to the bathroom and started to head to the shower, before she entered the bathroom though, she stopped and looked at me.

Zero Two: (Smiling) " Well I won't stop you from looking, after all. Last night was amazing. My darrrling....."

And with that she went into the bathroom and left me their embarrassed on the bed. Soon after We both had a shower, we got dress and started to head down stairs to see how everyone was doing. As soon as both of us reached down stairs everyone in the kitchen was looking at us, and was smiling. Zero Two and I then went at the counter and greeted everyone.

Hiro: " Good morning everyone, what you all were talking about?"

Everyone: " Nothing."

Hiro: (Suspicious) " O.....K..... Then what's for breakfast?"

Miku then Muffled under her breath.

Miku: "Ehem.. Zero Two on a di-"

However before she could finish that sentence Ichigo elbowed her in the stomach and forced her to shut up. Ichigo then answered my question.

Ichigo: (Smiling) " It's fry dumplings with meat and cornflakes."

Hiro and Zero Two: (excited) " Really! It's been a while I've had fry dumplings."

Ichigo: (Laughing) " Just go easy their you two, Have your cereal first."

Hiro: (Smiling) " Alright, anything you say Ichigo."

Zero Two: " Awww, but I can't wait any longer, I want Fry dumplings now."

Ichigo: " Well Zero Two, if you want them now, you could always eat then uncooked you know."

Zero Two: (Annoyed) " That's not nice Ichigo, why don't you eat yours raw and give me all the fried ones you got over their in that plate."

Ichigo: (Annoyed) " How about you wait just like everyone else and just eat some cereal in the mean time."

Zero Two: (Really Annoyed) " Because I don't what that, I want fry dumplings."

Ichigo: (Really annoyed) " Then Just sit your ass down and wait just like everyone else then."

Hiro: (Nervous) " Um..... Ladies, how about we just calm down a little bit, and take deep breaths."

Immediately both Zero Two and Ichigo turned on me and was glaring at me with glowing red eyes.

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