"The forest"

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Hiro's  Pov:

  As the smoke cleared Hiro looked around. He saw most of his squad dead, the site made him think what made him joined the war or better yet what was the whole reason for this war. As he looked at the franxx, it was locking on him.

Hiro quickly got up and said.

Hiro: "take cover!!"

Then their was an next explosion. But in the smoke. Hiro was moving. He said through his mic.

Hiro; "Listen men, we may die here today. So...... I'm just saying we had an good run. So let's fight on til the last breath men!"

Men: "yes sir"

Hiro: "Chad get behide that stone I need you to load up the rocket launcher and fire in that space in between his neck on my count. Got that! "

Chad: "yes sir"

Hiro: " Everyone else give me cover fire. I need to reach that cliff."

Ajani: "Sir what are you going to do"

Hiro: " what else. " (smiling)

Ajani: "you got to be crazy"

Hiro: (smiling) "Ok you got your jobs, move!"

As Hiro ran to towards the cliff he realised something.

Ajani: "Sir is plantation 74 pulling back?"

Hiro: "those cowards"

Chad: "we are really screwed now"

Hiro then continued towards the cliff. He then said

Hiro: "Chad fire!"

Chad: "got it"

As Chad fired and it hit it's target Hiro jumped in. He quickly made his way to the head and entered the control room. The guy around the control didn't notice Hiro was in the franxx

Guy: "where are you Hiro?  He must be hiding behind that stone."

Hiro quietly got behide him and pulled his knife around his neck.

Hiro: "I'm right here"

Guy: "!!! How-"

Hiro already cut his throat.

As the pilot held his throat Hiro started the count down to blow up the franxx. As the pilot was about to draw his last breath, Hiro stoop down and looked at the guy.

Hiro: (smiling) "awwww dieing is a bitch isn't it. Just tell the devil I said hey"

Hiro then step away and evacuated the franxx head. As Hiro was on the shoulder of the franxx and was about to jump it exploded. Flying him straight towards the ground. The Impact Hiro hit the ground with made his men froze. Hiro then got up and said.

Hiro: "what you guys looking at we got a job to do."

The men said "yes sir"

As Hiro taught of what to do next Ajani came up to him.

Ajani: "Sir don't you think we should retreat too?"

Hiro: "yes but we can't go back the way we came. Plantation 73 most likely blocked that way now and are trying to close in on the remaining fighters."

Ajani: "Sir how about we fight our way out."

Hiro: "hmmmm but which route should we take. The west is where the enemy forces is coming from and our plantation is at the north east. The only option I see is a full burst throw and we need some wheels for dat."

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