'Falling Into Abyss'

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Ajani's pov:

After I saw what I saw I heard a shout.

Voice: "Everyone! Fire fire fire!"

I looked and saw that it was Olaird, he didn't look at me but instead he immediately started to shoot. I follow behind and started to shoot as well.

Olaird: "Ricardo, Tommy, Ken, cover the right side of captain."

Men: "right!"

Olaird: " Shin, Seki, Soki, cover the left."

Men: "aye sir!"

As Olaird looked at me and I at him he said,

Olaird: "Sherene follow behind me were going in."

Sherene: "Oh hell ya"

As I watched that idiot give everyone else orders to do except me, I realise I was the leader in command so I can do as I see fit.

I ran in after them going in the battle, Olaird then looked back and saw that I was high on his tail. He stopped and started to look at me.

Olaird: "what are you doing, I didn't tell you to follow behind you idiot"

I then walked up to him, standing right in front of him looking him in his eyes as he did mine. I then used my right hand and grabbed him by his shirt pulling him down a little bit. I then said,

Ajani: "Listen here you idiot! I'm not going to sit their at the bridge shoot cover fire, got that! I'm the one in charge here."

Olaird looked at me with a brow up that was saying 'did she just grab me and took command?'

I then release him and started to run forward with Sherene coming a little behind me, I looked out the corner of my eyes to see what he was going to do after I did that to him. But to my surprise he was smirking, which made me started to blush a little.

I then saw him started to came after us, when he caught up we stopped and lay in the desert shooting.

Ajani: "Sherene can you use your sniper here?"

Sherene: "yeah why?"

Ajani: "because-"

Olaird: " she wants you to use it to cover captain ass better so no one gets too close to him from behind while we cover the further ends."

Sherene was just looking at him while I started to blush again for some unknown reason.

Ajani: (stuttering) "u-um....y-yeah. That's right!"

we then started our assault once more, until the unexpected happened. The fighter jets started to fire missiles and bomb up the areas around us. It was hell for sure.

Olaird: "Ajani! Sherene! Move back move back!"

Ajani: "what!? I'm not moving back, I'm gonna give captain cover until he's safely home."

Olaird: "that's suicide, the damn areas around us are being blown to pieces even over the bridge. We need to return before the bridge collapse."

Sherene: "I agree with Olaird Ajani, we need to think about our lives first."

Ajani: "then you move back then I'll cover Hiro alone."

As I continued to shoot I felt a presence behind me, I then felt a pain in my neck and then everything started to go dark.

-Time skip-

I then woke up on a familiar ground, still hearing gun fire and explosions I knew the battle was still on. I looked around and notice my surroundings.

Ajani: " Uh...... I'm over the bridge? Wait......Olaird!"

I then got up and spot the one I was looking for. I then quickly approached him.

Reaching Olaird I tried to did what I did earlier but I failed, he quickly grabbed my hand and said,

Olaird: " first thing first, don't ever try that shit again I'll beat you flatter than a leaf, and second I had no choice if I didn't you would make your emotions kill you."

Ajani: "cut the bull-"

I was cut off by an explosion behind me, making me stumble a little and landing in Olaird arms.

Olaird: "I have no choice but to call it in."

He then let go of me and picked up the military phone, he then said.

Olaird: "put me through to the PSD,"

As I heard that last word my heart skipped a beat. He was going to make them put up the shields.

Ajani: "why do you need to speak to the PSD (Plantation Shield Division) ?"

Olaird: " I have no choice, if I don't put up the shields, plantation 73 will over run us and then attack the city. Our plantation and people would be massacred! I can't let that happen."

Ajani: "but if you put it up Hiro will die out their!"

Olaird looked at me cold and said,

Olaird: "the life of one man is of less importance to me compared to the hundreds of innocent lives that are in my hands."

After he said those words he went back on the phone and said a few things. He then looked at me and said,

Olaird: "the next 30 seconds the shields will be up and after that they will release a shock wave that will shut down their mechanic weapons and vehicles."

Hearing that I froze, because if they did that, all electrical running things the enemy has will be disabled including the bike captain Hiro is riding.

As I was about to debate I felt something hit me again and everything went dark once more.

I then woke back up, but this time I felt pain everywhere expecially my back. I looked around and saw Olaird over the next side cover by dirt unconscious."

Ajani: "Olaird....... are you ok'

Their was no answer, I was about to ask again when I saw this blue energy wall emerge from behind the bridge on our sides.

Ajani: "No......no no no!"

I then mustered all the energy I got left and tried to get up. Reaching on my feet I felt the ground did a little vibration, then I saw the energy wave. As it pass through the enemies. They were demobilised.

The enemies fighter jets and air ships started to fall and make impact with the ground. As I watched the explosions start I was frozen.

I then saw captain Hiro getting up and running towards the brigde, the joy that I felt when I saw that he was alive and still fighting made me happy. Until


The ground on the other side of the canyon started to crack,

Ajani: "captain! Hurry to the bridge!"

As I said those words I started to see the whole area on the next side starting to collapse. I then saw captain Hiro their standing looking at me. He then smiled and disappeared into the darkness of the abyss.

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