" City Panic and Planning."

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Hiro's Pov:

Zorome: " Hirooo!!!!"

Hiro: " Zoromeeee!!!!"

As we came close to each other, a loud explosion occurred, we both stop our battle immediately and started to wonder what just happen.

Zorome: " What tha hell!? What was that?"

Hiro: " I don't know, but what ever it was, It was coming from the city.

Immediately we saw Ichigo and Zero Two running towards us on the field. They were out of breath.

Ichigo: " You guys have to see this, quick!"

Zorome and I looked at each other and followed the ladies into the kitchen, we then saw the news on the TV.


' Breaking news everyone! Our planation is being attack by huge monsters and unusual looking men! Which appears to have powers and unusual abilities that we have never seen before. They are destroying the city and creating explosions all over the place...... '

Immediately everyone was shocked especially Zero Two, Zorome, and I.

Zorome: " I don't freaking believe it! Are those...."

Hiro: " Hyborns...."

Zero Two then looked at me.

Zero Two: " Darling! What are they doing!? Are those the Hyborns Kay has?"

Hiro: " I'm not sure."

Hachi: " Hiro If this is the Klaxosaur Princess doing, we have to put a stop to this right know.

Hiro: " I'm sure theirs a explanation some how. It just can't be her. I'm sure of it."

I then heard the voice of Nana.

Nana: " Are you sure Hiro, because from the looks of it, I see some Klaxosaurs and other creatures."

Hiro: " I'm sure."

We then looked back on the news and saw a familiar face, it was a green haired man with glowing purple eyes.


" Everyone, it looks as though that green haired man is the leader of these creatures! I repeat, it looks as though that green hair man is the leader!"

Hiro: (Shock) " I don't Freaking believe it! Is that..."

Zero Two: (Angry) " Green Leaf.."

Nana: " Who know?"

Zero Two: " Green Leaf. The man that hurt Goro, kidnap my babies last time, took me prisoner, and help experimented on me."

Nana: (Shock) " Say what!?"

Hiro: " Hold the hell up, Zero Two. Didn't we kill him? So how is he alive?"

Zero Two: (Angry) " I have no Idea, but I do know I'm getting the job done this time."

And with that she started to walk off to the weapons shop, Ichigo, Ikuno, and Nana then Ran after her. Leaving the rest of us in the Kitchen. Suddenly we saw Miku running into the Kitchen breathless with the house phone in her hands and looking at Zorome.

Zorome: " Miku what is it?"

Hiro: " Yeah Miku? Why were you running so hard?"

Miku: (Breathless) " It's.... It's.... It's the Village Zorome...... Your Village and plantation is under attack by Planation 74. and their is said to be some of those weird men at the plantation just like on the news.

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