'It's time to go'

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Hiro pov:

After the huge fight between me and Zero Two. Things have gotten on the bad side. She refuse to let me sleep in the same room, see my kids or even speak to her. It's like she hate me, and if I try and talk to anyone in the house they automatically become her enemy. So I was on my way back to the house when I saw Goro.

Goro: "Hiro. Hold up."

Hiro: "hi Goro what's u. Wait Arnt you gonna get into trouble with Zero Two if you speak with me?:

Goro: "I don't care she's your wife not mine. Only person I should be worried about is ichigo getting mad at me."

Hiro: "Well you got a point their"

Goro: "so Hiro I really heard that you and Zero Two kicked it off."

Hiro: "yeah I didn't mean for it to get so physical."

Goro: "I know man. I heard you kicked Zero Two."

Hiro: "only to get out of her grasp. If I stayed any longer in her hold I would have passed out."

Goro: "but honestly kicking her! That's beyond any man should do to their wife Hiro and you know that."

Hiro: "I know. It haunt me every night Goro. All I wanted was to get out of her grasp and that was the only opening I saw at the time."

Goro: " but still it's wrong."

Hiro: "I know and I'm sorry"

Goro: "I'm not the one you should be aplogising to. Zero Two was really hurt by your actions. I don't know if she will ever forgive you for that."

Hiro: "I know but she won't let me in. I don't know what to do. And I'm leaving tomorrow. At this rate things gonna leave bad between us."

Goro: "Honestly Hiro whatever your gonna do, do it fast. Because from the way Zero Two sounds it's like she's thinking that it's the babies fault this happen and I'm afraid that she'll do something bad to them Hiro."

Hiro: "what do you mean? Haven't she fed them?"

Goro: "I don't know and they are crying non stop."

Hiro: "what!"

Goro: yeah. Honestly Hiro I'm worried man."

Hiro: "thank you Goro.  I owe you one."

Goro: "hold up Hiro what are you gonna do? "

Hiro: "Fix things as best as I can."

Afterwards Hiro ran towards the house. Pushing open the front door and running up stairs. Hiro quietly open the room door and went over to the crying babies. He looked at them and they were really bursting. It seems as if they were crying non stop. But suddenly someone came up behind Hiro and stabbed him making him collapsed to the floor. Hiro looked at the person and it was Zero Two.

Hiro: "Zero Two? What are you doing!"

Zero Two: "hi darling. I'm just fixing the problem."

Zero Two then started to look at the babies in the crib.

Hiro: " Zero Two what ever it is we can fix this. Just give me the knife."

Zero Two: "NO! It's because of them making you leave me! If I can get rid of them I can be by your side."

Hiro: "ZERO TWO STOP!!!"

As Zero Two started to pull the knife down Hiro quickly stood up and jumped at the same time pushing the cribs to the side. The knife bearly cut Zero. As Zero two pull out another knife and started to aim towards Zero again Hiro jumped in front of her and the knife stabbed Hiro right in the chest.  Zero Two looked at Hiro in shock.

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