' Always and Forever. '

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Stella's Pov:

I was just leaving the elite council of ten meeting when I heard Zorome was discharged today. I was going to go for him but I was too embarrassed, ever since he woke up I haven't even looked for him even once. I felt bad for such deeds which made me unable to face him.

Stella: " He must hate me right now."

Voice: " who hates who?"

Stella was startled by the sudden voice, she turned around and looked at the black haired man who then started to look familiar.

Stella: " Oh it's you Itachi. What do you need?"

Itachi: " Oh nothing, just was wondering if you didn't mine me walking along with you. That's all."

Stella: " knock your self out. After all it is a free country, right?"

Itachi: " At this point I don't know."

Stella and Itachi started to walk on the path that lead to the Suzuki residence where Stella lived.

Itachi: " So I heard that my friend was discharged today, what are you going to give him for a welcoming home present or got out of hospital present."

Stella: " Nothing I guess."

Itachi just froze their, like he couldn't believed she just said that."

Itachi: " Your joking right? You must be."

Stella: " Nope"

Itachi: " But you got to. Which man who just got out of hospital and finished an war gonna want no present."

Stella: " I don't have to buy him anything."

Itachi: (sighing) " damn, Zorome was right, you are cold as ice."

Stella: (Getting angry) " What did you just say. I didn't hear you clearly."

Itachi: (nervous) " Oh nothing. Wow look at the time, I just forgot that I had an errand to run for my wife."

Stella: " Uh huh."

Itachi: " Well catch ya later. Tell Zorome I said hi."

Stella: " Uh huh, sure will, right after I kill him first."

Before Itachi could here the last sentence she said he was long gone. Reaching at the house door Stella heard the sound of kunai clashing in the yard. Stella quickly entered the house and investigate. She drew her sword and sneak through the living room, through the hall and reach the back room where she saw the back yard door half open. Stella then peeped through the half masked door way and saw Zorome hugging Destiney. She smiled and whispered to her self.

Stella: " that's so cute." (smiling)

However, when Stella saw the condition of her back yard something broke inside of her.

Stella: " My 5000 dollar back yard renovation. Ruined."

Stella then blasted the door open and started to walk out in the back yard. She was pissed beyond redemption.

Zorome: (scared) " It's, it's, it's tha"

Destiney: (scared) " She devil."

Zorome: " We're totally dead."

Stella: ( Dark expression) " well you got that right. Your both dead."

As Stella was about to act she looked at Zorome and he seem in pain. He then suddenly collapsed. Immediately, Stella dashed to his side and tried to wake him.

Stella: " Zorome, Zorome!"

As she slapped his face gently she realized he was asleep. And smiled.

Time Pasted

Zorome's Pov:

I woke up looking at an familiar bedroom sealing in the dark. It was the room Stella and I shared. Looking to my left I saw a cute, cold, but loving blonde next to me asleep. I used my free hand and brush some hair from out of her face since she have totally taken over my left hand with her arms and body. It was priceless to see her like this, I missed having these moments with her. Watching her sleep, teasing her, making breakfast with her, everything actually. Every moment I spent with her was an gift to me. These moments meant more to me than any gem or diamond. And I cherish them. As I moved my free hand her eyes started to open and she was looking straight at me.

Stella: " Oh. Um....... Uh..... I see that your awake."

Zorome: " yeah I've been awake for an while now."

Stella: " really then what were you doing? Wait were you watching me sleep?!"

Zorome: " Um... Uh... No."

Stella: (Blushing) " You, you, you pervert!"

Zorome: " Ha! How am I a pervert?"

Stella: " You were watching me sleep, meaning you were thinking some perverted things. Weren't you."

Zorome: " absolutely not!"

Stella: " Really now, then why were you watching me then? Explain that."

Zorome: " The reason why is um... You weren't letting go of my arm. Yeah that's why."

Stella: " huh?"

Zorome then showed Stella his arm and she was still clinging to it. After she saw that she immediately let go and jumped out of the bed about to leave the room. However, she was stopped by someone holding her arm.

Stella: " Um... Zorome can you please let go?'

Zorome: " we need to talk."

Stella: " what is their to be talking about."

Zorome: " You know what we need to talk about."

Stella: " ....... Ok then. Talk."

Zorome: " um... Uh... Well. I'm sorry for making you all worry."

Stella looked at Zorome and said,

Stella: " Is that all?"

Zorome: " Um. Yeah."

Stella then gave him a bad look. Saying you really don't know do you.

Stella: " Zorome do you know the amount of trauma you put us through."

Zorome: " Yes of course."

Stella: " NO! No you don't. First you put me on the stand by unit, second you went off to war, third you came back half near to death and fourth when you woke up the only thing you had to say was sorry. Do you know how that hurts! To know you almost lost the most important person in your life, how I felt to know I almost lost the most important person in the world to me. It felt like someone broke open my chest, ripped out my heart from me and then burst it right in front of me. That's how much it hurts."

At this moment both Stella and Zorome were crying, because it really hurt them.

Zorome: (Crying) " I'm really and truly sorry Stella, the reason why I placed you on the stand by unit was to keep you safe. I couldn't bare it if I know you died on the battle field."

Stella: ( Crying) " And I couldn't bare it to know you died their without me. I don't want to lose you Zorome. I really don't."

Zorome: "Me Neither, I want to always be by your side no matter what, in sickness and in health, for better or worst and in life and death. Always together with you Stella."

Stella: " Same here Zorome, same here."

Zorome then placed his head on Stella's and said.

Zorome: " Stella, I love you. Always and Forever."

Stella: " Zorome, I, Love You. Always and Forever."

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