' Letters of the End and Beginning of the Future..."

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Miku's POV:

Waking me out of my sleep was the sound of a crying girl, it was so loud and concerning that it woke everyone out of the house and had them rushing to my room where the kids were... To my realization it was Destiney.. Which was very surprising, since I've never seen her cry before.. Not even when we lay Stella to rest soon after the battle with Shin.

Destiney: " Why.. Why that damn father of mine had to do this.... Its not fair,... Its not fair...."

Miku: " Destiney, why are you crying what happened?"

Zero Two was leaning next to my room door way looking at her with a annoyed look since it woke her out of her sleep..

Zero Two: " Yeah I wanna know since it blasted me outta bed and to the floor..."

Destiney gave me a letter that was open in her hand and told me to read it...


' My dearest daughter, Destiney,

Heh, honestly your probably gonna think I'm a asshole for leaving you and with some responsibilities as well... But I must, I've left you and your siblings some divine weapons I crafted that can help you protect your selves and also get stronger to protect everyone else close to you... So use them well and master them.. To be specific the katana is yours, each of you will have to give your divine weapon a name of your own to complete the process of it bonding with you and being able to access it powers..

So for now my baby girl, I've leave you in charge of our family... I know your still in grievance over Stella.... Honestly, I as well... But sitting down won't help anything, and your not needed by my side.. Where your needed is at the village, our home and with your siblings growth and protection.. So this is my task for you...

I love you my princess.. Now laters, I'll see you again soon..'

From Dad,

Zorome Suzuki.'

End of letter:

Destiney: " You dumb fool how can you say your in grievance as well if your gonna leave me with all of this and all on my own..... "

From the shock of understanding Zorome has left again honestly should'nt have surprised me so much, but honestly it did... I felt a pain inside of my chest, cramping.. It was rather heard to breath.. Looking around I found a letter on my best that said Miku.... I took it up and opened it up looking at it and its contents..



Honestly, ion know what to do much emotionally right now... I'm still at a lost from the fact she is really gone, heh I not even can cry or fully grieve at this moment but reality wise we are not in the clear.. Shin can return at any moment... And none of us are strong enough to even  fight him off.. And I'm sure that the next time he comes... It will be totally worst than last time..

So I'll be getting stronger and try to master this new power of mine... After all I have to come to terms, I'm not completely human physically anymore so there is no use denying it... But I do know inside I'll always be though I think...

I leave the kids and Destiney in your care while I'm away... Look after them for me please, they gonna need a mom figure more than a father figure right now.. I left you a gift its a rifle that can also turn into a tiger fighting armour.. Use it will and look after them.. I'm counting on you heh..

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