' Zorome vs Shu.'

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Zorome Pov:

As I looked at Shu, and he looked at me, the air remained still. You could only hear the breathing from our noises, and then suddenly. We were gone, in the centre space that was between us moments ago, the both of us clashed with each other. My magma katana with his dragon claws, a huge shock wave blasted off of us and the heated battle begun.

As I slashed at him forward he dodged it by jumping backwards a bit to avoid the slash, doing that that created a little space between us which allowed me to raise my hand and collect some energy in my left arm.

Zorome: " Magma Spears!"

In thin air five of these orange glowing magma crystal spears formed and fired straight at him to try and impale him, as he destroyed them one by one that gave me enough time to accumulate enough energy in my left hand again to attack him with, suddenly this burst of magma energy was burning and crackling in my left arm.

Zorome: " Orange Lightning!"

I dashed off towards him and aim towards his chest as he broke the final spear which was aiming at his chest with the palm of his hands, appearing before him was me with a bolt of electrical energy burning in my left arm. I thrusted it at him trying to rip through his chest and destroy his heart however he took the full force of my attack on his right arm which blasted him backwards a good 5 feet.

With his arm injured, I decided I'm still going to keep up the pressure and continue attacking him without mercy. I dash off towards him once more and slashed at him from the front, however that was a faint, I teleported behind him while spinning in mid air and spin kicked him from behind in the head, hitting him towards the left.

Flying in that direction, I teleport once again, holding my katana to the left of my body, I ran my left hand over the blade and engulfed it in orange flames. Waiting for Shu to reach me I moved the blade in a attempt of splitting him in two. Upon impact, instead of splitting him in two I saw these colourful chains erupted from the earth it self and created a barrier between Shu and me. That made me slash the barrier instead of him.

Zorome: (Annoyed) " Tek, cheap trick."

Shu: (Smirking) " Dragon Chains."

Before I new it the chains were surrounding me and was trying to trap me, I flew up in the air and tried to evade them as best as possible but they wouldn't go. I then summoned a bunch of magma spears and pinned them together while slashing through them. Landing back on the ground I saw that Shu was charging up energy for a breath attack, however I was doing the same. We both released our attacks at the same time.

Zorome: Magma Dragon Breath!"

Shu: " Curse Blood Dragon Breath!"

Running towards each other, the breath attacks collided and created a huge explosion. Using the dust as my cover I pin pointed where Shu was and locked on to him.

Zorome: " Magma Spears!"

Shu: " Wha tha!..... Why you!-"

Impaling him all over his body with my spears I rendered him unable to move. I then raised my right arm upwards in the air and then held my katana with both hand, charging and collecting as much energy as I can before he breaks free. My eyes them flashed gold for a moment, and I suddenly had this huge burst of energy. To distract him from my main attack, I was accumulating energy in my mouth as well for a breath attack, and it was ready. I then released it up on Shu.

Zorome: " Magma Dragon Breath!"

Blasting Shu with it, it engulfed him in orange flash and was burning him.

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