'The Bridge'

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Zorome's pov:

As I begon to wake up I observe my surroundings.

Zorome: "Uh? Where am I?"

Their was nothing.... nothing at all. Their was no trees, no ground, no sky. Just pure white. As l looked around I heard a voice.

Voice: "You idiot."

I looked around and I was surprised. It was a person I recognise that I thought I would never see again.

Voice: "you really out did yourself this time boy."

Zorome: "how....how are you here? Arnt you suppose to be dead?"

Voice: "I am"

Zorome: "then if your dead. That means-"

Voice: "your dead"

The old lady in front of me finished my words. I then used my right hand and covered my right eye in shock.

Zorome: "No......... Shit!...... Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Old lady: " What's the problem?"

Zorome: "nothing....... I just broke a promise again."

Old lady: "what promise?"

Zorome: "I made a promise to my daughter that I would return home to her."

-Flash back-

Destiney: "daddy! Promise! Promise you'll come home ok."

Zorome: (smiling) "I promise I will ok."

-End of flash back-

Old lady: "Is that right."

Zorome: "Yes...... I think this is the first promise I've broken since I've left the dorm and plantation 13."

Old lady: "wrong, you've not only broken that promise, but others as well."

Zorome: "?....... What are you talking about?"

Old lady: "Come and take a walk with me, after all you have an eternity of nothing to do."

I then walked off into the light with her.

Third person pov:

As Hiro rode through the desert to the canyon, he looked around him. He was hearing sounds as if their were jets coming behide him.

Hiro then stopped the bike and looked behide him into the distance. Unable to see clearly because of the desert heat, he could only make out some forms of flying objects.

As they rapidly gets closer he realise that his suspicion was right, fighter jets were gaining on him and fast!

Hiro didn't hesitate, he jumped on his bike, pushed the key in starting the engine and started to ride like crazy.

As Hiro ride, the jets caught up with him, they begon to fire rapidly. Swaying the bike Hiro tried to dodge most of the fires.

Suddenly he saw several big air ships lowering and was opening the cargo doors. As he watched as he rides he saw biker mens and military jeeps an the ready. They all started to ride out even thought the air ship haven't landed as yet.

They hit the ground hard and didn't waste any time. They started their chase on their target. Firing mini machine guns from the jeeps and specially make AK -47 that were attached to the bikes. They attacked Hiro without any mercy.

Hiro picked up the pace when he realise he was out number by over a 2000 to 1. And that didn't include the fighter jets or air ships above.

Hiro: "So this was their plan, not to destroy their main enemy first, but to destroy their enemies allies first. Clever." (Smirking)

Then Hiro felt a stinging pain in his side, it was caused by one of the biker mens AK -47. Hiro then used one hand and started to fire behind him with his regular AK -47, but it was no use.

Hiro then looked in front of him, he could see the canyon and was pleased.

Hiro: "almost their"

Ajani's pov:

As we waited at the bridge for our captain, one person was missing.

Ajani: " Where is Chad?"

Olaird: "he left to report to the plantation on what have happened."

Ajani: "Oh then why didn't he tell us then?"

Olaird: 'we all knew except you. You were too busy looking at the desert for captain."

Ajani: (embarrassed) " N-No I wasn't"

Olaird: "yes you were, you do remember he's married to a crazy, bad ass, scary, hot and not to mention demon of a wife right."

I then started to remember my first time training with Zero Two.

Ajani: "Oh....... yeah I remember."

Olaird: "Exactly so just forget about those feelings your developing cause they will never happen."

After he said those words we saw a van pulling up behide us and a lady with a man jumped out of the van.

Ajani: (annoyed) "No not now" (face palming herself)

Olaird: "these reporters ever have bad timing don't they."

Ajani: "how the hell did they get pass the gate, isn't this area should be lock down."

The reporter lady then came towards us and positioned herself in front of the camera man.

Reporter lady: "3, 2, 1, 0....... Good afternoon everyone and welcome to PNS (Plantation News Station) and we are here at Dark Canyon Bridge. As you can see the soldiers are here waiting for something, who knows, let's ask them."

As the reporter lady looked around, she noticed something, she then approached me and started again with her annoying news report.

Reporter lady: "Miss Ajani, what are you and the rest of the soldiers waiting for? What took place in the war? Have everything gone south? Will their be an attack on plantation 13? What are the actions that are being put in place to stop or put a end to this war? And finally and most importantly, where is plantation13's legendary warrior Hiro Franxx? Is he dead? Are you the one in command now? So many question we have and no answers."

I then thought to myself 'reporters are really annoying, only if it wasn't a crime to shoot her in the head.'

Ajani: "Well......Um....we-"

Then there were the sound of gun fire, and dust coming from the west where we came from."

Olaird: "Everyone! Get ready seems like we have company!"

I then positioned myself at the foot of the bridge to the right.

Ajani: "load up men! Kick shot lick shot!"

Everyone was armed and ready, I then turned to Olaird and asked.

Ajani: "Olaird, any sign of the captain?"

Olaird: "Wait the dust is kinda clearing up."

I waited for an while and asked again.

Ajani: "Now? "

Olaird: "Um. ...wait?...yes! It's the captain! He's on his way in."

I jumped up out of happiness that the captain was alive just like everyone else. Until,

Olaird: "holy shit..."

Ajani: "Uh?....Olaird what's the problem?"

Olaird: "Ajani I would advise you to call the head office, we are going to need the shields up, and now."

Ajani: "what tha hell?.... give me that"

I then took the binoculars from Olaird and looked out to the west.

Ajani: " holy mother of this earth....."

The site was devastating, what I saw was not like what we saw in the war alone. It was like I saw the gates of Hell slowly opened beyond the dust, it and all its demons were coming for us. And not too far ahead of them was our captain, Hiro, fighting for his life to stay alive.

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