' Bad wake up. '

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Zorome's Pov:

Right after entering the portal of light I woke up, I was in the village medical care room. And not to mention I was in a lot of pain. Every part of my body hurt and I was tied up like a freaking spider web, different parts of my body was rapped and hooked up in different directions.

I looked down on my medical bed and saw two beautiful crying them self to sleep blond ladies. One of them was opening her eyes and was about to look at me, it was my beautiful girl. Destiney.

Destiney: "Mmmmm, dad. Are you finally awake."

Zorome: (rough voice) " well, yeah morning."

Destiney froze, her eyes were glued on me like she couldn't believed I was awake. Then suddenly she sprang onto me.

Destiney: " Daddy!!!"

Zorome: ( in pain) " AHHHHHHH!!!"

Then Stella jumped up in the air, frighten as hell.

Stella: " what, what happened."

When her eyes caught on me she quickly grabbed her mouth and started to cry. She then jumped on me too and cause me a lot more pain.

Stella: (Crying) " You...... You..... You Idiot!"

Zorome: " What did I do now?"

Destiney: " What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO!!! You almost died! That's what you did."

Zorome: " Oh yeah, I guess I almost did. Sorry" (smiling)

Destiney: " Just sorry. Is that all you have to say dad."

Stella then had a dark expression on her face which was scaring. Every time she had that face it means shit gonna go down. She then raised her right hand and slapped me hard across the face.

Zorome: " Ah! What was that for?"

Stella: " Sorry. Is that really all you have to say. You almost freaking died!"

I just remained quiet.

Stella: (crying) " I watched as they ran with you, hooked you up and did everything to keep you alive. If your squad was a second late you would have died! Destiney would be fatherless again, and I...... And I....... And I would have lost the first and only person I ever loved in my life. Do you know how that feel!"

I remained quiet for the rest of the time. Stella then left the room and Destiney did the same. I watched them both ran out of the medical room crying their eyes out because of me.

Zorome: " Stupid Zorome, get your head together."

After that day weeks have pasted and I was relieved of my bandages. I still got a good amount of broken bones though, around 7 broken ribs, a broken arm which was broken in 3 different places, two broken legs which was broken in different places as well, and 7-10 new scars. So basically I bang my self up pretty good actually. Plus ever since that day I woke up I haven't seen back Stella or Destiney. My squad came to look for me and a few other village members.

As I lay on my medical bed I started to remember the battle between me and Hiro. Dammit, I wish we didn't had to fight. Otherwise none of this would have happened. In the middle of my thoughts I got a visitor, One I wasn't expecting.

Visitor: " Hello Zorome."

Zorome: " oh its you Itachi, wasn't expecting you of all people.

Itachi: " well I am the village leader and not to mention your a council member. So this was bound to happen."

Zorome: (smiling) " well that's true. Anyway I know your not only hear to see me. What you want to tell me or want to know."

Itachi: (smiling) " The same old Zorome, getting to the point as usual."

Itachi: " I wanted to know how you got into this condition. Your squad told me who you went up against. It must have been painful to fight your old friend."

Zorome: " No joke their, it was indeed a painful battle against Hiro. Both physically and emotionally. But most of all I just hope he didn't die on that battle field. I'm praying he didn't actually."

Itachi: " Well that's not possible, because Hiro Franxx is dead."

I just froze, it seems like I have been freezing a lot these days, so this shouldn't have faze me. However it did.

Zorome: " I see, so I indeed killed my friend."

Itachi: " Not technically. Hiro died in the desert right at the canyon."

Zorome: " what? How?"

Itachi then told me the full story of what was on the news from start to finish. It was shocking to me, cause I couldn't believe Hiro died, I couldn't believed he went out like that.

Zorome: " Dammit. I can't believe he went out like that."

Itachi: " yep, that's how it went down."

Zorome: " Dammit, dammit, dammit! Did they find a body?"

Itachi shook his head which symbolled no. To think my old friend would go out like that. Not even a trace. How everyone at the dorm is taking it I wonder.

Zorome: " Got any news on Hiro's family and how everyone at plantation 13 is taking it?"

Itachi: " Well from what I heard someone kidnapped Hiro's and Zero Two's babies, Goro is in the hospital, and ever since Hiro's death and the kidnapping of Hiro's babies Zero Two has been M.I.A. (Missing In Action).

Zorome: " What!? Wait slow down, lets take this one at a time. How Goro got in the hospital in the first place?"

Itachi: " From our entail he got hurt pretty bad trying to stop the person who kidnapped Hiro's and Zero Two's babies."

Zorome: " I see, any info on the kidnapper?"

Itachi: " Not much, only news is that it seems as though the person was a Klaxosaur."

Zorome: " Say what now, Klaxosaur? Isn't Hiro and Zero Two the last of the Klaxosaurs?"

Itachi: " Not from what the info I got, the Kidnapper was said to have Green skin and a tail. From that info, that doesn't sounds quiet human to me."

Zorome: " I see, so I guess the reason why Zero Two is M.I.A. Is because of Hiro's death, and also the kidnapping of her babies. Right."

Itachi: " Sharp as usual."

Zorome: " Shit, this whole war has become a cluster fuck."

Itachi: " You can say that again. At the current moment the war is at an cease fire right now. Reason why, both parties have lost a great amount of men. Good men too."

Zorome: " Damn, it takes a great amount of life to be lost for them to call a cease fire now."

Itachi: " exactly, the one's who are governing the place are stupid."

Zorome: " Hi Itachi, you think we can make peace with -"

In the middle of my sentence Itachi got a call.

Village member: " Itachi sir, the board of council members are about to have the strategy meeting sir. They ask for you to be present sir."

Itachi: " I see, tell them I'm on my way."

Zorome: " strategy meeting huh, next time you visit I want to hear all about it. After all I'm still the current number 3 Seat."

Itachi: " will do, oh what were you saying earlier?"

Zorome: " oh don't worry about it now, next time when you come and visit."

Itachi: " I understand. Get some rest my friend cause we need your advice in these times."

Zorome: " will do."

An then, just like that, Itachi left for the meeting.

Zorome: " I wonder, Will I really be able to make peace among the plantations?"

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