'Will He Survive' p2

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Hiro's pov:

'Darling what are you waiting for'


'Come on we're gonna be late, the kids are waiting for us.'

'Kids?.......oh yeah our kids.'


Then a bright light appeared and everything went white. Hiro then started to open his eyes but weakly. He bearly had the strength to move much less open his eyes.

He then looked around him and scanned his surrounding. It was the forest. He then started to remember what took place here.

Hiro: "where.......where is Zorome?"

Hiro then tried to get up and walked around but failed as he fell to the ground in pain.

Hiro: "awwww"

Then reality hit Hiro, how is he still alive, he got stabbed by Zorome threw the chest and got cut several times. That should have been enough to kill him, expecially with that sword of his. He then looked up to the sky and said.

Hiro: (smiling) "Zorome. You have really grown since you left haven't you."

He then came back from his thoughts and started to think of his next plan. He saw his bike lying next to a tree, he got up and slowly walked towards the bike. Reaching the bike he saw something. It was the broken sword Zorome threw him. He grabbed it and looked at it.

As Hiro examined it he saw a clip at the edge of the sword. He flicked it and the bottom edge push to the side making something fall out. He took out the item and it was a paper.

Unfolding the paper he read what was inside.

Paper- 'Hiro I don't know if you'll get this or what but I'm just writing it in case. Sorry I didn't tell you guys I was leaving but I had to go.

At the samurai village in plantation 73 in the forest is awesome, I've made a lot of friends and have even gotten stronger at many things. I'm finally feeling like I'm growing up. I heard you and Zero two had twins and Ichigo and Goro as well. Wish I was there to see them. Also I see Miku is finally doing something useful with her life since I left, she finally started to study for the career she wanted, to be a hair dresser. Hope she master it and became the world's best at it.

Oh also I'm married now,and we have a daughter, she may not be biologically ours, but Stella and I love her as our own. I'm actrually hoping that stella and I someday soon have kids of our own. You could say I'm too young to be a dad but I think I'm doing OK. Hope Miku and everyone else find their next half and someone good to them. our plantations may not be in the best of terms right now but one day I hope we can make peace, and hopefully visit each other. You should really take a visit to the samurai hills if you can find it. We are mysterious at times so your gonna have it rough.

Damn there's a lot to tell you guys, I really miss you guys and Miku, and I hope I can see you guys someday again. Please be safe and most of all please be happy.
Your friend,
-end of the paper-

As Hiro finished reading the paper/letter he started to cry, because he wasn't only moved by what he read but also happy that his long lost friend is happy where he is. Even though they just tried to kill each other and even maybe try to again. they knew deep down inside they are still brothers, and that's never gonna change.

Hiro then rolled up the paper, pushed it back up in the katana and locked it once more. He then placed it in his military bag pack and got on his bike.

As Hiro started the engine, he looked at the distance ahead of him and said.

Hiro: (smiling) " Zero Two...... I'm coming home."

Hiro then ride off into the distance, and the direction he was heading was at the canyon, The way home.

Stella's pov:

As Stella stepped out the chief office along side the other remaining council members, she replayed the meeting.

-meeting flash back-

Zuki: " chief I bring news"

Itachi: "what is it Zuki, why are you not on the battle field with Elite council member Zorome."

Zuki: "I was sent to send news of what new actions we must take since the enemy forces started to retreat and leaving plantation 13."

Itachi: "hmmm, they started to retreat. That's very puzzling plantation 74 doesn't really retreat."

Sasuke: "Father I think we should hold on for little while, if they are retreating that means we have the advantage. We would lose less men if we let the city use their heavily powered weapons to wipe out most of their forces."

Stella: "I agree with Sasuke, remember Itachi we still have the plantation 74 camp to wipe out of our teritory and look out for any attacks to the village from them."

Itachi: "hmmm, fine fine fine. We'll hold on for a bit. Zuki reply to Zorome that they should return. Well see what happens next from their."

Zuki: "yes sir"

-end of flash back-

Now Stella is standing in front of the chief office looking at the gate. She then felt someone jumped on her.

Stella: " ! What Tha! ..... Destiney!"

Destiney: "hi mom,"

As both ladies stood up Stella started to regain composer.

Stella: "Destiney how many times I said to not do that in the public."

Destiney: "mommy you know you like it when I jump on you."

As Stella was about to argue the gates bell rang.

Stella: "? The bell? Zuki Arnt you the only messenger that was sent."

Zuki: "yes elite Stella"

Stella was puzzled, she thought to her self, 'why would Zorome send another messenger? Have things gone south down their.' Then she saw the samurai passing threw the gate and stopping in front her and the other council members out of breath. It was Yukio.

Stella said to Yukio,

Stella: "Yukio what's the urgent message that has you running like this?"

Yukio: (out of breath) "captain ........... is .......... hurt."

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