'The bliss'

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Hiro's pov:

As our swords clashed we entered a very heated and intense battle. With each swing he made it was canceled by another,  until the table was turned by Zorome.

Zorome clashed with my sword once more but this time pushing me backwards. Doing so he used his left leg and kicked me in the stomach pushing me further backwards having me on the defensive. He then jumped up in the air and reached for something behind him with his right hand. As I regained focused he through three kuni at me, I blocked them with my katana but when I looked back up he was gone. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me.

Voice: (smirking) "this is the tenth time I would have killed you Hiro."

As I was about to attack I was hit in my side then was kicked forward. As I rolled on the ground in pain, I tried to get up and look at Zorome.

Zorome: "Hiro stop playing around and fight me for real."

Hiro: (in pain) "what are you talking about I am fighting you for real."

Zorome: "so be it, I will kill you and get this over with."

Zorome then dashed towards me clashing hard with my katana making part of it crack. Without hesitation he gave me an upper cut with his left hand and quickly disarmed me. He further more spun around and slapped me across my face with the back of his fist. Putting me down on the ground.

  I then got up and looked at him with both katanas and the extra one he had on this back sealed. He then sticked his katana in the ground and throw mine towards me cutting me cross my face and landing straight in a tree behind. He then said,

Zorome: "I won't be needing a sword to kill you, I'll use my very own hands to rob you of your life."

As he position his self for an hand to hand combat I did the same. We then dash towards each other once more and started using our trained techniques on each other.

He came at me with a palm attack and I canceled it with the back of my right hand, he then used his left knee to hit me but I use my let hand to stopped it in its place. We then broke apart, but during the short time in the air I saw three more kunis coming my way.  I tried to dodge them but one got me in my right leg slowing me down. As I kneel on the ground about to take the kuni out of my leg Zorome came at me, he grabbed my left hand and ringed it making my bones cracked as I screamed in pain. He then pushed forward with the pain by spinning my hand, breaking it behind me and pushing me down it the dirt. He used his right leg to step on the right side of my face as he rubbed it in the ground making the left side all dirty.

He then started to laugh and said,

Zorome: "Hiro your so weak, is this the great leader of the anti samurai squad I heard so much about and not to mention the mate of Zero Two. Your such a disgrace to your name and family."

Hiro: "wa-roareereerrr-"

Zorome: "Uh what were you saying, is my foot preventing you from talking. Oh I'm sorry let me increase the pressure."

Hiro: "reeeeee!!!"

Zorome: (laughing) "Ha ha ha ha, no its so funny having you below my feet, you can't imagine how much I dreamt of this day. I think afterwards when I'm through killing you I'll go back to plantain 13 and kill everyone at the dorm, ichigo, Goro, Nana and not to mention Zero Two. Oh I would love to see the look on her face in pain as she watch me cut the throats of your babies. To make it even better I'll make my men have there way with her when I'm done, some of them are dreaming how it would feel to bang her. shit the very thought of it is making me hard."

Hiro then started to get angry about the things Zorome was saying about his friends, his wife and his children.

Zorome: "ya'know some of my men are into little kids, I guess I don't have to kill them, I can raise them to a age. I would kill the boy right their in front of Zero Two but the girl no, I'll raise her for my personal sex toy, banging her 24/7 and sharing her with my men. I think I'll-"

Zorome then shut up when Hiro disappear from underneath his foot and was standing in front of him.

Zorome: "?...., how? When,wait.... how did you-"

Hiro coldly said

Hiro: " I'm gonna kill you."

Hiro then grabbed Zorome with the palm of his hand right in the face and threw him into a tree. The Impact from the tree made some of Zorome's bones cracked. As Zorome got up he cough up some blood.

Zorome: "what, don't like what I'm planning. It's gonna happen anyway you take it."

Hiro: "it's not gonna happen"

Zorome: "is that's so" (smirking)

Hiro: "yes, because you'll have to kill me first!"

Zorome: "so be it!"

Hiro and Zorome then dash towards each other getting into a deadly and very intense hand to hand combat. Left right, left right, palm knee, kick box, the full yards of their training and techniques.

During the battle Hiro caught Zorome's hand, Hiro then proceed with his right hand grabbing Zorome's hair pulling his head down and kneing him hard in the face. He then released Zorome, spun around and kicked him to the other side of the forest  where Zorome's katana was. As Zorome face slid in the dirt towards his sword he stopped right next to it.

Hiro then went for his sword and started to walk towards Zorome. Zorome then got up took his sword and looked at Hiro. As he looked into Hiro's cold blue eyes, he smirked. Zorome then whispered to his self.

Zorome: " finally, I got you fired up you idiot."

Hiro: "Zorome start saying your prayers because their isn't a demon, angel or person who's gonna save you from my wrath."

Zorome: "is that so, well I better start praying then."

Hiro's skin started to turn blue, his nails grew longer into claws, his horns grew longer and his canines grew longer as well. The emotions Hiro was running off of was pure hatred and that's a fact.  As they both looked at each other they got into fighting positions, they dashed towards each other clashing their swords and cutting each other. As Hiro swing Zorome canceled. They then sprang up in the air clashing swords once more.

Ching! Ching! Ching! Was the sound the swords made as they were reaching their limits. Zorome then kicked Hiro hard in the stomach making Hiro hit down hard on his knees on the ground.


Zorome didn't waste any time, he land on a tree and pushed off fast, dashing towards Hiro at full speed. Hiro then looked up to Zorome and clashed his sword with his, breaking both swords in collision. As the fragments of both swords was in the air around them they looked into each other eyes and they were smiling. Because in that moment, they were in total bliss."

Zorome and Hiro then broke from the moment. Hiro didn't hesitate the moment that Zorome was in the air in front him. Hiro spun his broken sword once and slashed it at Zorome,  Zorome tried to defend with his broken sword but it was unsuccessful. Hiro sword slashed zorome across the chest deep leaving a scar, Zorome screamed out.

Zorome: "Ahhhhhhhhh!!"

Hiro then quickly spun around on his knees and fly kicked Zorome underneath his chin, pushing him towards the next side. As zorome crashed into the ground he grunt and then quickly got up on his knees and looked at Hiro in his cold blue eyes.

As they both looked at each other in ernest for more they smiled. Because they both knew the battle was coming to an end and one of them must die.


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