' A City Lost.'

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Zorome Pov:

Zorome: " What tha hell is going on."





As I stood their and watched the guy rubbed his dirty and most filthy dragon scaled covered foot bottom on my unresponsive wife face in the dirt. I felt something ignited in my chest. It was like a scorching heat that was trying to claw it way out of my chest and just go on a rampage. My eyes was glowing a bright, scorching, rage full, and destructive red-ish gold now, and my aura was now a red-ish gold now as well. I just looked at the guy.

Zorome: (Dark Expression) " Get your filthy foot off of her."

Guy: " Excuse me but your in no-"

Before the guy could finish his sentence he got a super punch straight in his mouth, The punch was so impactful, upon contact it made a shock wave in the atmosphere. He flew straight towards the walls in the back yard and broke straight through them and two more beyond that, flicking and crashing head forth into the ground.

I just stood their and looked straight at where i hit the guy moments ago, I then called out to Destiney.

Zorome: (Cold) " Destiney..."

Destiney: (Scared) " Y-Yeah...... Dad....."

Zorome: " Take your brother and sister out of the village and head to Plantation 73, Me and your mother will be right behind."

Destiney: " B-B-But I want to fight...... I can Hel-'

Zorome: " NO!"

Destiney flinched from my loud response.

Zorome: " You can't help me Destiney, this fight is something way out of your league and expertise."

Destiney: (Sad Look) " But dad....."

Zorome: " Destiney, please..... Just take yourself and your siblings to safety, I can't bare it if you get hurt while I'm in battle. I promise I'll make it back, no matter what."

With that I saw tears flowing down her face, I then looked at her from side ways and just gave her a fake reassuring smile.

Zorome: " So please darling, go, and be safe while protecting your siblings too. Ok."

And with that Destiney shook her head at me in response, and then ran off with her siblings out of the burning house and out of the village. I then looked at Stella's bloody and bleeding body, her wound from her stomach was still bleeding out, so I kneel down and gathered energy in my right hand and heated the wound, sealing it. I then wiped her bloody face and took her up bridal style, caring her to a wall which was clear of debris and fire, resting her next to it. I then kissed her on her forehead and looked at her.

Zorome: " Please..... Don't be dead, I need you."

After doing that I then got back up on my feet and walked back out into the centre of the yard looking at the area where I punched the guy who hurt my queen before. I gave it a serious look in the area, because from it came foot steps and a man groaning as if he is in pain. I then slowly drew my magma katana and the blade started to glow.

Guy: " Mmmmm...... Damn! That really hurt. "

Zorome: (Serious) " Well expect even worst, because the why I'm going to kill you, it will make hell look as if it is heaven."

Guy: (Laughing) "Hehehe, is that right."

Zorome: " Yeah, you can count on it."

Guy: " Well before we begin our blood bath, my name is Shu, Shu Dragblood."

Darling in the franxx: 'The New World'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora