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 You wake up to the sound of your alarm, you look to see what's going on, it was 9:45 Am, it was time to get ready for work. You look out the window to see that the sun was shining bright, and you see some gray clouds too. You get up and go to your closet and put on your uniform, it was a white shirt, green apron, jeans, and it had a name tag. Then after you got dressed you went to the bathroom brushed your teeth, and got your hair done. You headed to the kitchen to make some of (Y/F) (Your/Favorite) breakfast. After you finish breakfast you grabbed your purse, and keys to your (F/C) ( Favorite/ Color) car. You lock the door to your apartment and head to the elevator, taking you down to the parking lot. You get in your car and head to work it took you a good 25 minutes to get there. You find a parking spot and head into a cafe, you open the door where you are greeted with a hello.

You look to see who it was it was your Boss. "Oh...hello boss let me put my stuff in my locker and I'll get straight to work". "Good and (Y/N) (Your/Name) I need you to clean the bathroom and sweep this whole café today. Do you understand?" Yes ma'am." "Good now hurry up and get your stuff put up!" You quickly rush into the locker room and put your stuff up and head back out to the front.

--Nine hours later--

It's about time to leave you head into the locker room to grab your purse. You walk out of the locker room and head to the door. When suddenly you hear one of your coworkers call your name. "Hey (Y/N) I want to show you something cool!!" You walk over to see what your coworker wants. "What do you need to show me?" You said in a confused tone. "Here check this out." He shows you his phone. On his phone, there is a picture of a Bitty it looks like a UT Sans, sleeping on a ketchup plushie. "Isn't he the cutest!?!" He says smiling. "Yeah, he looks really cute, and small. Anywho I'm going to go home now, have a nice weekend." You said as you walked away. "You too (Y/N), see you on Monday!" Your coworker said as he gave you a small wave. "Thanks." You said as you opened the door.

---(Y/N) P.O.V---

"Man... what a long day at work, I'm so tired. Aw man, when I get home I still have to make dinner for myself, but I'm too tired. I'll just go to (F/R) ( Favorite Restaurant) and grab a bite there, less work for me." I said to myself. After I grab a bite to eat at my (Y/F) restaurant and paid the bill I headed back home. I unlocked the door and got back into my apartment. I walked over to the couch, plopped down on it, and sighed. "It's so quiet in here," I said out loud softly. I start thinking of the photo my coworker showed me. "It would be nice to have a little companion around here. We could watch movies, T.V, build blanket forts, bake sweets, or just hang out and have fun together. It would be so much fun!! Sigh... too bad that can never happen a Bitty is  just  way too much money." I said in a sad tone. I sighed and looked at the time on my phone it was 9:30 PM. "I better thought you would get ready for bed." I got off the couch and stretched my arms and back. Hearing the popping sound of my bones


After getting your work clothes off you put your P. J's on, and head to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Then you headed to your room and got under your blankets, but before you fell asleep you looked out your window. It looked like it was about to start pouring any second now. Soon your eyelids get heavy and you fall asleep.

Hello, there I hope you enjoyed reading the first page. Sorry if it's a little short. Don't worry the next update will be very soon. Until then Stay Determined.

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