Red Paladin

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The door slid open and Lotor stepped in. I glared at him, wanting nothing more than for him to leave.

"Planet Puig was freed by the Voltron Alliance, yes? What do you think they'll say if we were to take it back?" Lotor asked. I said nothing when Lotor took a couple steps to come to me. "Come."

He pulled me up and dragged me out of the room and to the main controls. I was able to see outside. We were at Puig. Lotor left me on the ship to watch in horror as he and his generals took prisoners, but they weren't killing anyone.

Soon, they came back, and piloted the ship to orbit the planet.

Meanwhile, while all this was happening

The Paladins of Voltron we're trying to decide who would pilot the black lion. Eventually, Coran told them that the black lion will choose. Everyone went except for Keith and he was finally forced to get inside.

The black lion responded to Keith. When Keith came out, his fellow Paladins congratulated him.

"I'm proud of you, Keith. I wish you were getting the job under better circumstances, but congratulations," Allura told him.

"Congratulations, Keith," Pidge said.

"Yeah, man, ditto," Hunk said.

"No. I don't accept this," Keith told them.

"You must. The Black Lion has chosen you," Allura said.

"I can't replace Shiro! You guys were right! I'm the loner! I'm not the leader Shiro thought I was," Keith said.

Lance walked up to him and put his hand on Keith's shoulder. "Keith, no one can replace Shiro. But the Black Lion wouldn't choose anybody it didn't feel was worthy to lead Voltron. I respect its choice. And you should too."

"But who's gonna fly the red lion?"

While Allura was trying to get the red lion to respond to her, the others gathered in the lounge room.

"We need to find Y/N. She wouldn't just leave without telling us, even if she had a lot on her mind," Pidge said.

"You're right," Keith responded.

"It seems as though she's turned off her transmission, so we can't reach her," Coran said.

"Something bad must have happened then," Keith told everyone. "She'd warn us and she would check in. It's been two days." First Shiro, and now his sister?

Allura walked into the room with a glum expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I know how much you wanted to pilot the Red Lion," Coran said.

Allura smiled. "I'm fine! Let's move on. We must find a new Paladin... again..."

Back with the Reader and Lotor... his generals too, I guess

"The poor little Blade of Marmora's defenses are spread so thin, they cannot defend any of the insurgent planets," Ezor said.

"And what about their rebellion?" Lotor asked.

"Crushed," Zethrid answered.

My eyes went wide with shock.

"As for the whereabouts for the Voltron lions, we've had reports of yellow and blue in the Paglium quadrant. The red one has been seen throughout these quadrants," Axca was showing Lotor a bunch of different places. "And the green one, here, here, and here."

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