The Depths (tagged)

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A/N: This chapter really follows Lance and Hunk when they're on the mermaid planet, so there really wasn't any writing for this, but I figured, why not go ahead and make a little scene between this episode and the next episode.

"Allura, get a healing pod ready for Shiro," I said through the transmission.

"On it," Coran said.

"Keith, pilot the red lion, I'll go with Shiro, just to make sure nothing happens to him," I told Keith.

"I'll be fine, Y/N," Shiro said.

"That's not what you were saying before come on," I said. I looked at Keith and nodded as he looked at me.

Keith turned towards the red lion and hopped in. Shiro and I went into the black lion. Shiro sat at the pilot's seat and powered up the lion. He winced in pain because he was moving so much.

"Don't move so much, you're going to hurt yourself," I scolded.

"Sometimes I wonder who the real older sibling is," Shiro said, pushing forward the levers and making the lion fly towards the castle.

When the lion landed in it's hangar, we climbed out. However, Shiro started wincing and it got uncomfortable for him so I took his arm over my shoulders and instructed him to lean on me. After much arguing, he finally did so, and I dragged him to the hangar door, until Keith showed up to help me get Shiro to the healing pods.

"Thank you guys," Shiro said as we entered the room to the pods.

"You would do the same," Keith and I said together. I looked over at Keith and smiled.

"Did something happen between the two of you?" Shiro was smirking. I forced him to change into the pod's healing clothing.

"I'll tell you after you get out of the pod," I told him, putting him inside the pod.

The pod closed, and Shiro fell asleep instantly. Keith and I looked at each other. Keith smiled at me. Instead of smiling back, I hugged him.

"I really thought he was going to die on that planet," I said.

"He survived being a prisoner of Zarkon. He could survive that," Keith said.

"Where's Shiro?!" Keith and I let go of each other as soon as we heard Lance's voice.

"Lance, he's okay, we just got him into the pod," I answered.

Everyone else filed into the pod room. Allura and Coran immediately went over to the control panel. Keith stood to the side of Shiro and I sat beside Keith, leaning against the pod. We listened to Shiro as he groaned.

I was tagged by bunnyfrst  for this, thank you for that

I was tagged by bunnyfrst  for this, thank you for that

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1. Straight but ace
2. Female
3. Far from it :D
4. Fake Love - BTS
5. Brunette like most boring white girls— I mean what
6. the one and only Perverted Bull, T-T-T-TAURUSSSSS (tried referencing a vine, I'm sorry)
7. A person on interpals cuz why not
8. Blueeeeee
9. Salad with Italian dressing ;D
10. 69% Shiz I need to charge
11. 7 Beautiful boys who make me question my existence on earth.
12. Green beans depending on how you cook them
13. Idek they change all the time, they're usually, green, blue, turquoise, or gray 🤷🏻‍♀️
14. 8
15. I mean DREAM job would be a voice actor, or a music artist, but I HAVE STAGE FRIGHT SO THAT WON'T HAPPEN ANYTIME SOON :DD

I don't have 20 people to tag, so I was just following people in the comments, but I still don't have 20 people to tag sooooo


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