Unaccepted Apologies

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"So if it's through the Black Lion, what are we going to do?" Pidge asked.

"Allura? Coran?" Hunk asked.

"Well! I know what I'm going to do! I'm going to go to the training deck, I'm sure that will come in handy. I won't be letting down the team if I'm doing something useful," I glanced at Shiro when I said the last part to see his face morph into hurt.

With that said, I stood up from my sitting position on the stairs and exited the main control deck. A few seconds later, I hear the doors open and close and heavy footsteps coming towards me.

"Y/N, wait!" The voice said. I ignored the voice not wanting to talk to the person. "Y/N! I said stop!" I didn't. "I command you to stop!"

That struck a nerve.

"Oh so you're commanding me to do things now?!" I yelled, turning around to face him. "Next you're going to make me marry Zarkon for peace!" I didn't know what to say next so I turned around screaming, "You're unbelievable!"

I didn't hear footsteps following me so I knew he wasn't following me. I sighed in relief. Instead of going to the training deck, I went to my room, too upset to train. I sat on my bed, leaning against the wall as I brought my knees to my chest.

Not too long after, I heard my door open and close. Without looking up, I told the person to get out, I already knew who it was.

Before Shiro, he said, "I'll just put these here," and placed something down on the desk next to the door.

A lot of time passed before I finally looked up to see what he placed on the desk. They were books. But not just any books. Two books from Alfor's study. I leaped off my bed to grab a book but I saw a note in Shiro's messy handwriting that read, 'I'm sorry.' I rolled my eyes and crumpled up the note. You can't say sorry for abusing power.

A/N: I've been dead for a while, but I have good reason! I've not been okay mentally. I've been really depressed for many reasons but let's not get into that ... I've been stressing out about so much and I added a webtoon onto that stress. My coach had me starving myself and just even more insecure than I normally am and she's been giving me anxiety and on top of that, I feel like a burden to my team. However, I feel much better after talking to my band Director who told me that I do matter, and that I shouldn't be stressing myself so much about this. I just wanted to share this with you guys because I didn't think I had someone that is there for me, and I don't want you guys to feel the same way. I want to say to all of those people who think they don't matter that they do matter. You're perfect the way you are and please don't change for anyone. I'm always available for anyone to talk on Instagram (which is on my webtoon hahahah im making you work). I'm not always on webtoon so if you message me here, I probably won't respond for a while, but I will respond.

I'm sunburnt to the point that I'm hecking blistered and school starts on Monday :D it's Saturday. Great first day of school UwU

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