Shiro's Escape

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Shiro's grunting was driving me crazy. I hated hearing him in pain. I would've lost my mind had it not been for Hunk asking Allura questions.

"Is he okay?" Hunk asked.

Allura turned from the control panel to look at Hunk. "Sometimes the healing process causes involuntary brain wave reactions."

"He looks like he's having a bad dream," Hunk said turning back to look at Shiro.

"He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by a bunch of giant lizards. What dream could be worse than that?" Keith asked. I had an idea, but I didn't know for sure, so I didn't put out my input.

After a few more minutes of Shiro's grunting, we heard him stirring awake. I jumped up from where I sat and stood in between Hunk and Keith so I could catch Shiro in case he fell. The barrier on the pod disappeared and Shiro fell out. I caught him then hugged him until he regained his balance.

"Thank you," Shiro said. He seemed like he had something on his mind.

"Shiro, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I remember how I escaped Zarkon's prison. A man helped me. He downloaded coordinates into my arm and told me to go to them if I were to escape," Shiro said.

"I can try finding them," Pidge offered.

And that's what Pidge did. Or tried to do.

"I'm not finding any coordinates in here. Are you sure this wasn't just a dream?" Pidge asked Shiro.

"I'm positive. Someone helped me escape," Shiro responded.

"And he was Galra?" Allura questioned.


"You know you cannot trust them."

"Your father must have trusted them once. Zarkon was the original black Paladin, wasn't he?" Shiro responded, getting defensive.

"That was a long time ago," Allura looked away from Shiro.

"Wait, what?" Lance asked.

"Didn't you see how he stole the Black Lion right from Shiro? Or that he could do all that cool stuff with his Bayard? Shiro's Bayard? You know, the black one?" I asked.

"Why didn't you just tell us the truth about Zarkon?" Shiro asked.

"I wanted to protect you from the dark history of the Paladins so that you would have a chance to bond with your lions on your own. You are the Black Paladin now, not Zarkon," Allura defended herself.

"Yeah, well, the Black Lion May have a different take on that matter—" Pidge cur Shiro off.

"Wait a second, I think I see it now. Some repeating numbers in all this Galra code. Let me extract it," Pidge said while typing. She typed a few more then the coordinates popped up on the screen. "They are coordinates! They lead here: the Thaldycon system."

"Then that's where we're headed," Shiro instructed.

"Shiro, are you sure you can trust this?" Keith asked. "I mean, after all the Galra have done to you. They- they took your arm!"

"It's worth the risk. Someone helped me escape. If we can locate allies to help us fight, especially from his side, we just might find a way to take him down."

"We can check the location, but I do not like this," Allura said, crossing her arms. "The Galra are not to be trusted."

Everyone went to the main deck to prepare to wormhole. Allura opened the wormhole and directed the ship inside. When we got out of the other side, I looked out the window. It was beautiful. There were crystal rocks floating everywhere.

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