Escape from Beta Traz

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A/N: Really short chapter because it deals with people Reader Chan isn't with

I read a book about Altean alchemy and now I really want to try it. I mean, who wouldn't? But the real reason Altean alchemy sounds really cool to me is because of this land called Oriande. Only select Alteans are able to make it to Oriande, only those with great potential. I want to try to become one of those Alteans. Maybe then I could teach my children Alchemy and Altean culture will still stay alive. If they were to get any ounce of Altean, that is.

"Y/N, we're heading up on the Balmera, I'm going to need your help," Allura's voice came over the intercom.

"We're already there? How long have I been in here?" I asked myself.

I decided I should probably get to the main control to help Allura so I placed everything the way it was, except I grabbed the book about Oriande, and left the room. I made a stop to my room to set the book down, then made my way to Allura.

A/N: Woah two chapters within the same chapter? Who is this new Author? Don't let her leave!

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