Stayin' Alive

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A/N: I had to

Allura and I took a small pod down to the surface of the Balmera as the Balmerans watched our descent in awe at the sight of the returning castle of lions. When the pod door opened, we stepped out and walked up to Shay's grandmother.

"The Balmera welcomes your return, Princess Allura and Paladin Y/N," she told us.

"Oh, I'm not-" I started but decided not to finish.

"Princess, Paladin, did Hunk accompany you?" Shay asked.

"I'm sorry, Shay, but we've come alone," Allura answered. "The others are on missions of their own collecting important elements that we need to defeat Zarkon."

"Defeat Zarkon? How can we help? The Balmera and it's people could never thank you enough for all that you've done," Shay's grandmother said.

"If the Balmera will give it, I need a crystal," Allura said.

"Battleship class?" Shay asked.

"Bigger," I chimed in.

The Balmerans led us to the biggest crystal I've ever seen. It was much bigger than the one in the castle.

"Incredible," Allura said looking up at the gigantic crystal.

"When the Galra were here, these caverns were closed off as if the Balmera was protecting itself," Shay explained. "Now that the Balmera is free and healed, the crystal caverns are opened once more."

Allura gestured for me to follow her so I did so and she walked up to the crystal to put her hands on it. I did the same. The crystal began to glow a teal color at our hands.The Balmerans bent down and touched the ground of the Balmera in order to rejuvenate the land.

The crystal began to lift itself from the Balmera, however, a rumble above distracted my attention. I pushed it aside and continued concentrating on the crystal. Soon, the crystal was fully out of it's pocket and we would be able to safely extract it without hurting the Balmera.

"Thank you," Allura said to the Balmera.

The Balmerans immediately went to work loading the crystal onto the castle. It took half a day. I of course tried to help, but I don't think I was of much help. Instead of continuing to get in the way, I waited with Allura until Shay came to talk to us.

"The crystal has been loaded onto your castle, Princess," Shay said.

I hugged Shay's grandmother while Allura hugged Shay and then we switched.

"We wish you could stay longer," Shay's grandmother said. "I made you sticker cup stew for the sky road," she pulled out a pot with tentacles sticking out. Allura's eyes went wide.

"Oh! Thank you! I'm sure I shall enjoy this immensely!" Allura said awkwardly. She turned around to address the other Balmerans. "To all you Balmerans! Thank you once again!"

Suddenly, the same rumbling sound as before was heard. The Balmerans began to panic.

"What was that?" Allura asked.

"Are the Galra back?" I asked.

I brought up a hologram from my wrist to look at the atmosphere but I saw no fleets. I heard Allura gasp as she looked at the ice engulfed Robeast from our last encounter in the Balmera.

The ice was cracking.

"Oh no," Allura and I said together.

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