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"We've gotta act fast. The power will only be down for twenty minutes. The Blade of Marmora's schematics show four targets we need to hit. The weapons system, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all," Shiro informed everyone.

"Yeah!" We agreed, ready to take down Zarkon and return to Earth.

"Form sword!" Shiro yelled.

Keith used his bayard to form a sword. Voltron charged at the ship, slicing through the metal with ease, causing explosions as we flew by.

"Hit the engine systems!" Shiro yelled to Keith.

I found them and sent them to the legs' screens as well as Keith's. The legs moved us towards the engine systems, Keith used the sword to hit the engine systems. We didn't stop there, though. We continued attacking the ship. Pidge used the green lion's lasers to shoot at the ship.

"Stay focused. We've neutralized the engines. Let's target the bridge," Shiro said.

"I found the fastest route. Sending it out now," I told everyone.

We were moving toward the bridge when we were distracted by I giant black sphere below us.

"What is that?" Lance asked.

A beam of black and purple energy flowed out of the sphere towards us, hitting us. We all screamed from the hit. It was draining quintessence from us.

When the beam dispersed, we were rendered helpless, not being able to move. I heard static in the transmission, meaning we couldn't contact the Castle of Lions. I couldn't see anything, it was dark. I felt myself floating around, as though there was no gravity.

"Paladins, Shiro, can you hear me?" Allura's voice came over the transmission. The static was gone.

I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to open them. I opened my eyes and was able to see everything again.

"Yes, Princess. We're alive," Shiro's voice muttered.

"Oh, thank the ancients!" Coran said.

"Is Voltron operational?" Allura asked.

"It's not working," Hunk said.

"I can't move our lion," Keith said.

"You've been hit with some kind of witchcraft that draws the quintessence out of you. You need to get out of there!" Coran told us. "Another blast like that and you may not survive!"

"Wait. What's that?" Lance asked, grabbing our attention to in front of us.

A hatch on the ship opened up, revealing a fully decked out armored dude.

"You must get moving. Remember your training. Remember all of the battles you've been through," Allura instructed us.

"Voltron's still not responding," Shiro said. He gasped. "It's Zarkon."

Zarkon's armor had wings, which allowed him to fly towards us.

"Listen to me. You are true Paladins now. Connect to your lions, reach out to each other! Fight! This cannot end now!" Allura commanded us.

The castle shot a laser at Zarkon, but he deflected it and sent it back to the castle, causing an explosion.

"Allura!" Shiro and I yelled together.

I stared in shock at the castle, worried for my friend. Tears filled my eyes.

"Everybody, listen. We have to fight. We have to channel all our energy. Visualize five becoming one. We have to focus everything we have into moving Voltron," Shiro told us.

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