Group Training

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A/N: My netflix isn't working so I can't write the next chapter, so take this instead

"I feel this team has been a little out of touch with each other's emotions," Allura explained as we stood in a line. She had called us to the training deck and was walking like a professor to a group of students who got in trouble. "I feel as though not all of you are as bonded as you should be." Allura glances to Shiro and I. I looked away.

"The Princess and I have set up more bonding exercises for you all to do. This first one might be familiar to you all. It's from Earth! It's called 'Trust-Fall!'" Coran told us as he interrupted Allura's speech.

"We'll partner you up based on who we think doesn't trust each other enough and have you fall back into your partner's arms," Coran explained. "Then—"

"I think we get it," Keith told Coran. "Just partner is up."

I already knew who everyone was going to get. So I went ahead and stood by Shiro.

"Lance and Keith! Pidge and Hunk! Y/N and Shiro!" Coran stated.

"Lance, Pidge, and Y/N, we want you to fall first," Allura commanded.

I rolled my eyes and stood in front of Shiro. I think we all trusted each other - I think most of us trust each other by now, Keith and Lance might be a problem, so this was just a pointless waste of time and energy.

"When we say three, we want you to fall backwards so your partner can catch you," Allura said happily.

"One! Two!-" Coran's counting was cut off by Keith.

"I think this is stupid. I'm almost positive everyone here trusts each other. This exercise is pointless," Keith spoke up.

"I agree with that. I think we all trust each other. I don't even think we need to 'bond' like you say we do," I agreed.

"Negative. There can never be too much bonding," Coran replied.

"Yes, yes there can," Lance spoke up.

"Can we just get this over with so I can go back to my computer?" Pidge asked.

"Yeah, I kind of want to go back to the kitchen so I can get started on dinner," Hunk said.

"What about this? What if we just leave?" I said making my way to the door. I threw up peace signs and left the training deck.

3rd POV

"That went well..." Allura muttered.

"I didn't expect her to react like that," Shiro told Allura not knowing what to do about his sister.

"Just let her go back to my father's study, she'll be bound to forgive you then!" Allura pleaded.

"No! I'm not giving in to her tantrum! I'm going to stay true to my word. We just have to come up with another plan," Shiro said as he began to think.

"Y-you planned that whole thing out?" The H/C girl said astonished as she stood in the doorway.

Shiro quickly turned around in his seat to face the girl with a worried look on her face. "Y/N! It's not what you think it is!"

"Was everyone else in on it to? Is this some kind of cruel joke to you?" Y/N asked her brother feeling betrayed.

"No, Y/N, no one else knew about that. Please, just listen to me-" Shiro pleaded.

"No! Just- Just leave me alone!" Y/N yelled at her brother before running out of the room.

"You're not making your case any better, Shiro," Allura told the Paladin.

"In fact, you're making it worse!" Coran said in his usual tone, not reading the atmosphere.

1st POV

After that interaction with Shiro, I ran straight to Keith's room just wanting a hug. When I got there, the door opened automatically to a Keith staring at his dagger.

"Keith," I called.

Keith looked up and saw my face. He must've instantly known something was wrong because he quickly got up and hugged me. He brought me over to his bed and sat down, placing me on top of him.

"What happened?" Keith asked.

"I was on my way to find Shiro to apologize, but I heard how he planned the whole 'team bonding' just to get me to talk and interact with him," I told Keith. "Did all of you know?"

"No, we honestly thought it was something Allura had pulled together," Keith told me. "Well, I thought that, at least."



"I love you."

I fell asleep with Keith cradling me in his arms.

A/N: OKAY SO HI! I know it's been a long time, but I've been really hecking busy with school. I'm a junior in high school with Senioritis help. I'm also exhausted so yayyyy.

Anyways, as you saw in the a/n at the beginning of the chapter, my Netflix isn't working and as many of you know, I use Netflix in order to write the chapters so yay, we love not being able to write.

Sorry for not updating more frequently like I said I would, Ive been trying to but I have commitment issues and it's just kinda liek "🤷🏻‍♀️"

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