9. *Dinning Room*

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Maya's P.O.V

After a heart to heart talk with Enzo he had left the room saying that he had some important work to do. I was still a little sad about what I got to know about Enzo's sister and how he had to go through all the hardships in his life. He had told me that if it wasn't for Massimo and his help he wouldn't have been here alive.

What he said to me about Massimo is still ringing in my mind.

"I know that he has kidnapped you & is keeping you here against your will and only he & god knows what's going on in his mind but I can assure you one thing that he isn't a bad guy." I eyed him as I raised my eyebrows. He chuckled, "Ok he's bad but not that bad to harm someone who's innocent, and he surely not gonna harm you. Not until I'm here." He gave me an assuring smile to which I smiled back. "I know his looks and his actions doesn't actually help and I do admit that he is dangerous but he would never harm innocent people."

I didn't know why but something inside me wanted to believe that Massimo wasn't as bad as he looked like. But how could I not be unsure after all he had kidnapped me for god's sake! It was natural of me to get a little scared even if he didn't do any harm to me, not yet.

I stood up from the bed with a huff and started walking out of the room. It was around 3 pm in the afternoon. The commotion took place around 2 pm and because of that I couldn't get to eat my lunch. So I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen in order to fetch something to eat.

As I stepped down the stairs I noticed how the place looked exactly how it was before the commotion. Everything was back in its place. The floor was clean, not a single sign of anything unusual. If I hadn't seen the condition it was in just a while ago, I would've never thought that anything happened there. It was that much clean.

'Well....I guess it's a peak of being rich!'

The familiar motherly figures greeted me as soon as I entered the kitchen. I was happy when I didn't see Sabitchna I mean Sabrina anywhere.

"Oh Maya you're here, I knew you would come! You must be hungry." Martha said as soon as she saw me. And indeed I was very hungry. Since morning I only had two pancakes, some eggs, bacon and only a glass of milkshake for breakfast. Besides that I may or may not had a bowl of ice cream at around 12 pm and for the rest of time some of the snacks that I had kept aside in my room. 'But that doesn't count as proper meal it was just for munching. I'm a young growing girl I'm just 25 I need food! Lots of it!' My inner self nodded with agreement.

"You've no idea." My stomach growled at the exact moment as I sheepishly smiled at them with red cheeks. Both Martha and Gabrielle chuckled.

"As we all couldn't eat our lunch because of what happened that's why Massimo wanted for all of us to have it together in the dinning room." Gabrielle said happily to which I looked up at her. "Together? As in sitting together in the dinning hall at the same time?" I asked to which they both gave me the look but then chuckled at me.

"Yes cara that's what I meant when I said 'together'." Gabrielle smiled amusingly.

Now you must be thinking what's the big deal in this. But it is a big deal! Since I was here I always had my meal either in my room or with Martha & Gabrielle and once or twice with Enzo. That was it. I never had to eat with him. He intimated me enough, I didn't want his intimidating aura around me while I was eating. 'Sorry but I want to eat my food in peace and away from negative energy!'

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now